Missionary at Heart
I have some exciting news to share with you, which is becoming a huge piece of my heart. My friend Joanie is the founder and director of a Christian humanitarian organization called “Missionary at Heart.” She recently asked me to serve on the board for her ministry. After praying for God’s direction and approval, I was delighted to join the board of this non-profit and share my gifts with this ministry dedicated to serving those who are vulnerable and need our help most. As the scripture says, When someone has been given much, much will be required in return. The challenge of a Missionary at Heart is always wanting to do more for those in need.
An Unstoppable God
I love Joanie’s testimony of how “Missionary at Heart” started. I realize I am giving you the short version now, but I promise to interview Joanie so that you can hear her story in her own words. It is an amazing God story! What began as a dream in her heart turned into an unstoppable desire to reach out and minister to the people of Uganda. Whenever Joanie was told “no,” she just kept listening and pursuing what she knew God placed on her heart, and “Missionary at Heart” was founded.
Praying for the Team
This September, Joanie and her husband along with a team of five others, will be heading to Uganda to once again minister, educate and share the love of Christ with the people of Uganda. Although I am not going on this trip, I do see a trip to Uganda in my future. My job this time around is to pray for this team, that God will give them physical, spiritual and emotional protection, and for God’s blessing on all those who they will minister to and interact with daily.
Nurturing the Body and Soul
It is going to be a great trip because wherever you go in God’s name, He shows up in a big way. One of Joanie’s greatest loves is ministering to children. Missionary at Heart will be working in orphanages sharing the love of Christ with children of all ages. Also, there is a team who will be sharing God’s love through Revelation Wellness. Joanie started a Revelation Wellness group at our local church, which I attend and participate. I know Revelation Wellness has been life-changing for me, and it will be for all those who get the opportunity to join the classes in Uganda. It is a proven fact that exercise has many benefits, but Revelation Wellness goes beyond a physical work-out to minister to the spirit, taking time at the end of class to nurture the soul.
Sister to Sister
“Missionary at Heart” has also teamed up with the ministry “She Learns.” The She Learns Conference will be taking place in Uganda, and “Missionary at Heart” will be participating in the conference. One of the projects we are working on before our team heads to Uganda is called, “Sister to Sister Sewing Bee” We are gathering on different dates for an actual Sewing Bee to make reusable menstrual pads for women of all ages, to help empower and teach them to make their own reusable pads.
At this point I need to be honest and say I didn’t think about the hardship that women endure in other countries when they don’t have the ability to take care of their own sanitary needs, or the effect it has on these women every month as many can’t go to their school, jobs or other places. No woman in this day and time should have to suffer the shame that society places on her for something which is a natural part of her life.
It is our hope by providing materials and equipping these women with training we will give them the ability to meet a basic need of their everyday lives, so they no longer have to fear or suffer in shame, lose wages or schooling. We are also accepting monetary donations if you would like to give to this cause. Would you consider helping us as we empower these women, so they can empower others for generations to come?
The Truth
As women in America, we are blessed to live in a place where we have a voice, rights, and opportunities to lead and excel. Although things are not perfect, our situation is far better than that which women in other countries experience. In America, we have a lot, and we have the chance to make a difference in the lives of women and children in Uganda.
Until you have seen and experienced life in a third world country, it is hard to understand poverty truly. I’m not saying that life for America’s poor is easy and doesn’t have its challenges, but at least we have programs and funding to help most of those in need. There are not many of us who have to walk twelve miles a day to get dirty water to drink, bathe, and cook what little food we may have.
What Moves You?
Non-profit ministries like “Missionary at Heart” are vital for those who need help and hope. Mission trips like this are important because they give you first-hand knowledge of the difficulties which face those who cannot help themselves. It is one thing to know about hunger and another to see it before your eyes. There is possibly nothing more moving than looking in the tear-filled eyes of a mother who can’t feed her children. If it doesn’t move us to compassion and involvement, I’m not sure what will.
One of the things I love about Missionary at Heart is that they not only help meet the present need but provide opportunities to equip and empower others long before the team goes and after the team has left. Please pray for “Missionary at Heart” as we prepare for the Uganda trip. We are excited to see how God will move in the hearts of the team and everyone God places in their path. If you want to know more about Missionary at Heart, you can e-mail Joanie at Missionary at Heart.
In the next few weeks, look for my interview with Joanie because you won’t want to miss her incredible story of God answering her heart’s desire.
What’s Next?
Not all of us are called to a mission field in Uganda, but God calls us all to do something. Share on XNot all of us are called to a mission field in Uganda, but God calls us all to do something. It is when we are willing to surrender ourselves to His will that God opens incredible opportunities for each of us to make a difference in the lives of others. There is no gift that is insignificant to God. What you might believe isn’t anything big to you is HUGE for someone else. Never underestimate the power of God working through you.
All God is asking for is a willing heart, and He provides the rest of all we need. If you are fearful, you are on the right track because that is the enemy playing his final card to persuade you to give up because the last thing the enemy wants is for people to find love, redemption, and hope.
Where is Your Mission Field?
Shouldn’t we all be a “Missionary at Heart” because wherever God takes us in our daily lives is a mission field whether at home, work, or Uganda. Where do you see your mission field? Is there something God has been stirring in your heart to do, but fear is holding you back?
The fact is we shoulDare to step out and pursue God’s calling for you. All it takes is a spark to get a fire going to ignite your heart to do what God desires from you to impact others. #BetheSparkle others need to see
Beautiful article Sheila! You are spot-on in reminding us that we are all called into the mission field. It may not be across the globe but we have plenty to do in our own neighborhoods.
I truly believe, if each of us would do a little, everyone would benefit in amazing ways.
I love your heart!