Hello, my sweet friends! I wanted to follow up on my post about my BRCA genetic testing and counseling. The original post can be found here. This week I received my results, after waiting for five weeks. I realize there are many times we find ourselves waiting for various things in our lives. We anticipate vacations, the birth of newborns, and test results to name a few. Waiting can be agonizing! People have asked me what I did to pass the time while waiting for my test results, and I’m hoping you will find these ideas helpful the next time you find yourself waiting for something important. Here is how to trust God while you wait.
Build a Solid Foundation
Prayer: Prayer has always been a foundation of my faith. Yet, I rarely pray for myself when it comes to illness. I pray for others all the time. This time, for the first time in my life, I found myself praying for patience, peace, and wisdom for myself. Whenever I felt myself begin to wander and fear tried to enter into my heart; I would pray. Prayer boosted my faith above my fear. Prayer sustained me in ways I can’t explain. It stabilized me and kept my thoughts in check. Prayer kept me close to the Father because my prayers built a relationship of deeper intimacy. On the morning of my doctor’s appointment, fear tried to creep in, and I found myself stomping my foot and shouting, “My faith is bigger than my fear!”
Never Underestimate Your Prayers
Never underestimate the power of the prayers you say for yourself, or the ones others say for you. Regardless of your circumstances and your outcome, God hears and cares no matter what the enemy may try to tell you.
It is All About Perspective
This scripture put things into perspective for me, and I kept inserting my name and proclaiming this scripture for myself during my prayer time.
Deuteronomy 31:8 “(Insert Your Name), He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Insert Your Name), Do not be afraid. (Insert Your Name), do not be discouraged.”
Repeating this will help internalize the promise of God’s word. These words were written over two thousand years ago, but His word is just as alive for us as it was then.
Don’t Become an Arm Chair Doctor
Do NOT Google: It is easy to find yourself going down all kinds of rabbit trails with Google. However, it is not beneficial until you have a diagnosis. Google is a great tool because there are all kinds of information about nearly everything, but that can be a problem. We tend to become armchair doctors without medical degrees, and we self-diagnose. We google our symptoms, jump to conclusions and think the worst. Your mind allows the enemy to take you places you don’t need to go, and the enemy is laughing at you! Do you know what fear does? Fear takes away your hope and belief that God is in control.
Thinking Isn’t Always Helpful
Stay Busy: The best thing I found to do was to stay busy. I know it is easier said than done, but by taking the focus off myself, I found time went faster, and I didn’t think about all the possibilities. Instead, I visited people who were going through their own issues, called people who were shut-ins and wrote some cards to friends who needed encouragement.
God is Never Surprised
Remember, God is in control. There is nothing that takes God by surprise, not even a doctor's diagnosis. Share on XRemember, God is in control. There is nothing that takes God by surprise, not even a doctor’s diagnosis. No matter what the outcome might be or what we might have to face God is always faithful to His children. It isn’t SOME things that work together; it is ALL things.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Remember as a child of the King; It is His plan and His purpose!
Trust God More than Anything or Anybody
Trust God: You can pray, keep yourself busy and stay off Google, but the ultimate thing you must do is TRUST God. This trial isn’t about how big or little your faith is, but about trusting the ONE who knows and loves you more than anyone else in this world. When we learn to place our trust in the ONE who created us we experience the gift of His love profoundly. We learn more about who God is and who He created us to be while we wait.
Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
When we feel like we are in crisis our instinct is to want to take things into our own hands instead of placing the issue in God’s hands. However, Proverbs tells us when we seek God’s will He will show us which path to take. God doesn’t make us play guessing games. It may not always be the path we want to take, but we can trust God in every circumstance of our lives.
Peace in the Waiting
My daughter and I were sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for my results, and before the doctor came in to share the outcome of the tests, I told my daughter I did not believe I had the BRCA mutation. Some would have said I was living in denial, but I couldn’t explain the peace I had while waiting.
I had prayed, believed and trusted God all during this waiting period. If I did have the gene, I still believed and trusted God would work it out for His good. It doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been hard, but I knew I was not alone. God had given me His peace.
The Test Results
The doctor came in, and she confirmed that I did not have the BRCA gene despite the cesspool of breast cancer in our family. It doesn’t mean I’m not still at high risk for breast cancer, but it does mean if my momma had the mutated gene she did not pass it on to me. Now my daughter does not have to do any further testing.
What I learned through waiting is something I knew from the beginning. God is faithful! No matter the situation or the outcome, as children of God He gives us His best.
Waiting is so difficult under anxious circumstances. Such a helpless feeling. It’s wonderful that your faith can help you overcome.
Hi, Megan!
Waiting is hard and you can feel so helpless. I am glad my faith is my perfect sustaining power to get me through difficult times.
Oh, don’t tell me not to Google it! LOL That’s my first source for all things. Yet, I know you are right. I should be seeking out God’s answer and in His timing.
Hi, Tamara!
Google is good for lots of things and even simple medical issues, but when it comes to potential cancer? Yeah, it is best not to google and let God provide the answers you need. 🙂
I’m so glad that your results came back good! I struggle with waiting and being patient so much…..in daily life and especially waiting for God’s timing. But it is always worth the wait!
Hi, Amanda!
Thanks for your kind words! I’m glad I am not the only one who struggles with being impatient. 🙂 You are right though God’s timing is always perfect!
What a helpful post article on how to wait. Waiting on the Lord is one of the more difficult tests/trials for sure.
Hi, Shayla!
It is a difficult trial, but one worth doing because of the character it builds within you! I’m glad you found the post helpful!
As hard as it is to be still…I have grown so much during the waiting periods.
Hi Holly,
I agree with you! It is hard waiting, but my personal growth has grown as a result and my faith has become deeper.
Sometimes it’s hard not to google your symptoms but we really need to learn to trust GOd while waiitng.
Hi, Peachy!
I agree it is hard, but trying to diagnose yourself and seeing some of those results is even harder! When I trust God I have peace over any diagnosis I face. 🙂
These are such helpful tips for anyone trying to figure out their diagnosis. As a physician I can say that it is really hard for patients to use Google to figure out what is going on with them. I always tell my patients to wait, and I will discuss things with them in person.
Hi, April!
Thank You for your input. Yes, Google is hard to diagnose yourself and have you dead before your next appointment causing great anxiety. This is why we should leave it to the professionals.:-)
I’ve never been one for prayer but I have always believed in the power of positive thinking
Hi, Arielle!
Positive thinking is very helpful when you are waiting for answers. Focusing on positive things keeps our thoughts going in the right direction.
What amazing news! I’m so happy to hear.
I admit I am terrible at waiting… I know I need to trust God when waiting for things, but my anxiety always goes crazy.
Hi, Susan!
Anxiety is a hard thing to deal with especially when we do have to wait. I’m not the best at waiting either, but I have learned through trusting God my anxiety became much less. Thank You for youe kind words!
Its definitely the googling part that I need help with. I’m the worst about that!
Hi, Brittany!
It is good to know I’m not alone! Googling can be dangerous for sure!
I so needed this post. I have adenomyosis and have been praying for a miracle for a few years now. my health has completely deteriorated because of it and being a youth pastor while having a chronic illness is the worst. I have faith my miracle is coming whether it be I get approved for surgery to fix it or He heals me completely. I love this post
Hi, Jennifer!
I am sorry for your diagnosis and I am adding you to my prayer journal. I know our God is in the miracle making business and I’m praying for a miracle for you! Chronic illness is a tough thing to deal with and often times not understood. What an example of God’s strength and love you are to your kids!
Oh waiting is definitely the worst. So glad to hear the test came back that you don’t have the gene mutation!
Hi, Leigh!
Thank You! I am grateful for the results, but even more thankful for the life lessons God has taught me along the way.
So glad the outcome was positive. Such positive news. Faith is key!!
Thank You Rosemary! You are right faith is key!
This is such a beautiful post!! Trusting God at all times 💕 I struggle in general with waiting when it comes to any of God’s plans…have to remind myself that God’s timing is always perfect timing!
Hi, Clair!
We all struggle for sure! I have to remind myself too! God always has some type of lesson for me to learn through my struggles and our struggles become part of our story.
Such wonderful advice! It’s so scary to wait and wonder, but trusting in God is really all we need. Great reminder to not get stuck in our own heads 🙂
Hi, Dawn!
It is so easy to get stuck in our own heads. I’m thankful whenever I felt like I was getting stuck in my head God soon pulled me out and reminded me of His peace!
Such a great news! I’m happy for you x
Hi, Marina!
Thank You and many blessings to you!
These are such great tips. It’s hard to not Google, but that’s the best advice! I also love staying busy/distracting myself and keeping my perspective in a positive place. So happy your tests came back with some good news. 🙂
Hi, Katherine!
It is hard not to Google, but those rabbit trails were dangerous! Thank You for your kind words and staying positive is key whenever you are waiting for sure!
Thankful for this news and for you my friend. Love you ❤️
I love you my sweet friend! I am praying for you and asking God to continue His healing work in you! You are a treasure!
Sheila, this is such a helpful post! Waiting is so tough, but the peace you felt as you waited just comes through so strong. I also received test results for genetic testing and the BRCA gene too, and was also negative! Soooo glad you were too. 💗💗💗
Hi, Laura!
If we lived closer to one another we would celebrate together! I’m happy for you too! The power of God’s peace is healing in many ways!
Oh yes Sheila. This is wonderful news❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, Cathy!
It is the BEST news ever! Thank You for praying my dear friend!