Over the past few weeks, I have been watching a show on Netflix called “The Kindness Diaries.” It is the real-life adventures of a man named Leon Logothetis who travels around the world based solely on the kindness of others. He has a yellow motorcycle named Kindness One, which takes him from place to place. He then asks perfect strangers to buy him a tank of gas, feed him, or allow him to stay in their home for the night. Leon will not accept money, but only kindness. As you can imagine, Leon hears “No” a lot, but by nightfall, he is usually on his way to someone’s home for the evening.
Strong Faith Equals Kindness
What I found interesting was people who took Leon home for the night usually had a strong faith. As they share their stories, it becomes evident they possess innate hearts of kindness. For example, there was a homeless man who didn’t have a home to offer, but he offered Leon a space to sleep with him next to a building. This man had nothing to offer by the world’s standards but was willing to share everything he had. He even offered Leo clean underwear which had been given to him. It was a beautiful moment of kindness that left me blubbering. This episode was just the first of many moments which left me in tears.
Kindness Speaks Volumes
Through each episode of “The Kindness Diaries,” you are taken on a journey of the heart. You get to experience the beauty of the land and the stories of beautiful people as they share with Leon why they are showing love and kindness to a stranger. However, what people don’t know is that when Leon’s heart has been touched in a special way, Leon and the crew give back to that person for showing kindness.
It is touching to see the responses of those whose kindness is returned to them, especially since they have no idea what is about to happen. I won’t share these outcomes because I don’t want to ruin the show for you. This is a show you must watch for yourself. “The Kindness Diaries” clearly express the joy of being kind and will give you hope for humanity. Although the world would lead you to believe otherwise, there are many kind people. An act of kindness is truly priceless.
Why is Kindness Important?
In a world that is always telling us to look out for ourselves, kindness is considered a weakness. We all know the saying, “Nice Guys Finish Last.” However, it isn’t true. How is kindness defined? In Biblical Greek it is called “chrestotes” pronounced, khray-stot’-ace. The meaning is: usefulness (morally), excellence in character or demeanor, gentleness, goodness, and kindness. This word describes Jesus! Jesus is our example of kindness. Kindness is also a fruit of the spirit. We read in Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT):
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentlenesses, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
For the believer, kindness is a fruit of the spirit. Kindness isn’t something we produce on our own, but through the Holy Spirit which Jesus left with us after His death on the cross. It is what we should be demonstrating every day of our walk with Christ. Jesus was truly an example of kindness to all of us.
Have you ever noticed how people are attracted to kind people? We can look through the scriptures and see countless examples of how Jesus showed kindness to all people regardless if they were Jew or Gentile, man, woman or child. We may live in a harsh world, but Jesus’ example of kindness to all has led the way for us to do the same.
Jesus IS Kindness
Our world seems to have forgotten what kindness is as we watch the news and scroll through social media. Even those who call themselves family and friends can be cruel and uncaring. Many people say that being kind costs too much. Kindness is demanding and unappreciated. No one knows more about this than Jesus. His kindness shown to us on the cross paid the price for our sin, even though we didn’t deserve it. This act of kindness cost Jesus his very life!
When we as believers accept the gift of salvation, seeds of kindness are sown in our hearts. Allowing those seeds of kindness to grow and sowing new seeds can have long term effects. Kindness impacts people and can change attitudes and outlooks.
Kindness Saves Lives
On the day of my momma’s funeral, a woman approached me to share a story about my momma. She went on to tell me about a time she was feeling suicidal and was seriously contemplating going home to take her own life because she felt like it didn’t matter anymore.
She shared how her husband had passed away, and her children lived far away and were busy with their own lives. My momma saw her sitting alone in Wendy’s and asked her to sit with her. (You all know Wendy’s was momma’s favorite hangout!) It was there my momma told the woman her life mattered, not knowing what the woman had planned to go home to do. Momma never knew that act of kindness saved that woman’s life.
When you feel compelled to perform an act of kindness, do it! People who demonstrate kindness are happier and more contented than those who never give of themselves because they know the joy of giving and the gift of thankfulness. Share on XPeople who demonstrate kindness are happier and more contented than those who never give of themselves because they know the joy of giving and the gift of thankfulness. One never loses anything by being kind. There is great joy in knowing you have helped someone while expecting nothing in return. Kindness is good for your soul. Yes, there may be those who will take advantage, but that is between them and God. If you are doing something because you feel led by God to do it, then God is pleased with you!
You don’t have to travel the world to find or demonstrate kindness. Kindness can be shown anywhere you go. We are all in desperate need of love, and demonstrating kindness is showing love to each other despite our differences, and igniting a fire of compassion and empathy which can change the world.
There have been some horrific natural disasters over the past few years, full of suffering and hurt. But, over and over you hear about the random acts of kindness that have given hope, provided strength and helped people to endure these hardships.
Kindness is Our Testimony
What does kindness mean to you? How has kindness affected you or someone you know? Be an example of the kindness that Jesus demonstrated to us over and over. How about creating your own “Kindness Diaries” and allowing God to lead you to those who need kindness?
Life is hard, but that is never an excuse to not demonstrate kindness. We never know when we will need a hand extended to us during our time of need. The best way to receive is to be willing to give. When we live lives of kindness, it is a testimony to the God we serve.
Kindness is Serving Others
If we want to be first, we have to be willing to be last. Mark 9:35 says:
He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.”
Kindness is servanthood.
Sparkle with Kindness
Don’t let anyone dull the sparkle of your soul! Keep sparkling with kindness, and you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. Kindness makes you rich in spirit and eternally thankful for the opportunity to serve. #GoBeKind Let me know if you start your own Kindness Diaries. I would love to hear your stories!
All that helps us keep the love going !! Love the hashtag. So important to be mindful of our actions.
Hi, Aditi!
You are right! Love is what keeps us going and allows us to express kindness to everyone in our path and demonstrate it to the world.
what a great article,
I really love the story about the woman who came to your mother’s funeral, so heartwarming!
Hi, Judith!
Thank You for your kind words. Kindness truly saves lives!
Kindness is a beautiful word. No matter how crazy life gets, when we shine (Sparke) Kindness around we are sharing God’s love!
Hi, Tiffany!
It is a beautiful word! It brings sweetness to the soul! Keep sparkling friend!
Jesus IS Kindness! Kindness has been such a big part of my life after our son died. Every year around his birthday we do 13 days of kindness for everyday he was alive. It has been such an integral part of our healing. God’s kindness is healing!
Hi, Heather!
I am very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been but what a beautiful remembrance to do 13 days of kindness representing a sweet life. I agree kindness is healing in many ways. Thank You for sharing such a tender moment. Much love and prayers to you!
Put out into the world what you would like to get back – kindness is what I want to see all around me.
Hi, Sharon!
I agree with you! I want to give kindness so others will break out from their hardness and experience kindness!
These days, we could all use some kindness. You never really know what people are going through internally.
Hi, Heather!
I agree that we never know people are going through. This is why it is so important that we show kindness even in the chaos.
This sounds like it’s just plain good for the heart. You mentioned that you were blurbing through the show, but honestly just reading your highlight made me tear up a bit. I think it s important to remember to give freely, even when what you have to give isn’t money or tangible.
Hi, Jenni!
Yes! Kindness doesn’t need to cost money because what we give from our hearts is priceless.
How challenging and helpful! Thanks for writing this. You have definitely sparked my interest in looking up that show on Netflix 🙂
I love kindness. It is a rarity that I see living in the city. This means that I must be kind all the more. It truly blesses my soul to think of Dolly loving on that sweet broken woman and changing the trajectory of her life with simple kindness. This blows me away. I love to see reactions to kindness. Sometimes it is the only kindness a cashier or a server will witness all day. Sheila, I am running errands today and my Jesus sparkle is going to SHINE! I love you dear sister and friend.
Hi, Sue!
It is difficult to see in our city as well, but then I think there is the mission field for all of us. Sue, you are always kind and loving! You are a beautiful example of God’s love to many! May His blessing continue to pore over you in profound ways! May you always shine and sparkle!! Much love to you!
This was soo well written and I absolutely love your message here. So many times we forget to just even “treat others the way we want to be treated” and but our needs and feelings before others. One good habit to get into is to think of how we can spread kindness each day, whether it be something big or as small as sending someone a handwritten letter, or just holding the door for someone at the store. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post .)
Hi, AM!
Thank You for your encouraging and kind words. I truly believe that kindness breeds kindness. Many acts of kindness can impact our whole neighborhoods and communities. I want to be a kindness giver 🙂
First of all, let me tell you that I love your blog, I love me some glitter!!! I love this post, and you are very right, people are attracted to kind people. When we are kind we are showing the world the love of God, His kindness and His goodness. We are also a testimony of who He is. Great post I’m sharing it!!
Hi, Carolina!
Thank You for sharing my post! I am honored whenever a post touches someone in a special way! I do love glitter, but none more than the glitter Jesus sprinkles every day!
“kindness is our testimony”! Yes!
Thank you for such an uplifting and encouraging post! The media may try to bring us down with mostly negative stories, but there are countless positive, uplifting, stories we all need to share and be part of. Your Momma was a special woman who raised a very special woman! Keep sparkling my friend! I love you!
Hi, Toni!
It was so good to talk to you last week! Thank You for your kindness and always being a testimony of kindness! When we allow Jesus to fill our hearts with joy we can’t help but sparkle! I love you too!
Yes, I totally believe in kindness. I strive to instill the importance of kindness in my children. This show sounds very interesting. Jesus showed us how to do the ultimate in kindness, you are right, he gives us the best examples of kindness. More people need to strive to be like him and live a life freely giving away kindness.
Hi, Julie!
It is a beautiful thing to instill in our children. It is a gift that gives for generations. We do need to be more like Jesus and not allow the troubles of this world to take away our joy. For those of us who are believers, it is more about loving like Jesus that matters the most. Thanks for your insight!
Yes! Bless everyone with kindness – it’s something we should all strive for. In this world, there is no use in being mean or hurtful to someone! We all have something we are going through.
Hi, Lisa!
I couldn’t agree more! Life is full of heartache why should we add to it? Many blessings of kindness to you!
I loved this perspective on kindness! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Amberly!
I’m glad you enjoyed the perspective! Thanks for stopping by!
It definitely is lost to the modern world. Even as a Christian, I sometimes lose focus of my purpose here on earth showing Jesus’ love through my own kindness.
Hi, Tami!
It is sad that kindness has seemed to have lost its way in our world. It is easy to lose focus, but God tells us not to lose sight and that is what I am clinging too!
More than usual these days, I get so broken down by the news: It just feels like there’s so much going wrong in the world. On good days, I can remind myself that I always have the power to be kind, and I never know when just a little bit of kindness will make the difference in someone’s day.
Hi, Catherine!
It is so easy to get caught in the cycle of unkindness when there is so much negativity in the world. It is good to know we have the power to make a difference in the lives of those we love and in the lives God places in our path. Blessings to you!
‘sparkle with kindness’. That says it all!💖💖💖
Hi, Cathy!
From the Queen of Sparkle who ALWAYS shines with sparkle with kindness, I am blessed to be your friend!