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We are in the depths of winter with gray skies and limited sunshine. It is dark when we get up to go to work in the morning, and the sun is already going down when we leave work to go home. For many of us, along with the darkness comes the bitter cold which makes the season seem unbearable. Are you moodier than usual, and is your ambition is nil? Are you suffering from a case of the winter blues?
Winter Blues
Winter is tough. It is even harder if you suffer from seasonal depression. The combination of cold and lack of sunlight is enough to make anyone miserable. Winter Blues is a real thing that many people fight especially after the winding down of the holidays.
Fighting Winter Blues
After the New Year begins and the reality of winter settles, in you may be finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. I know I am! I love being all cozy in a nice warm bed. However, staying in bed doesn’t pay the bills. Fighting winter blues is hard because some days it takes all you have to get up and get going.
Get Classy with Winter Blues
Some of the ways I have found to combat winter blues include investing in something new. Many times your local college, gym or parks and recreation department will have classes you can take from cooking lessons to water aerobics. There are also plenty of online classes too if you prefer not to go out in the cold again. I’m taking a new class called Revelation Wellness. It is more than a workout. It is an opportunity to connect with others and grow in faith and who God created each of us to be. This is a group focusing on God, faith, fitness, and making little changes along the way. Doing something new is a great distraction and allows you to focus on learning something you can apply to every season of your life.
Do Your Inside Tasks Now!
We all have that list of things we want to do indoors, but we tell ourselves we will wait until the weather is bad outside to do them. Now, is the time! Get the whole family involved. There is no time like the present to do all those tasks you have wanted to do inside your house. This way when good weather does return you will be ready to get outside. Don’t overwhelm yourself and think you have to complete them in a week. Space them out and celebrate your accomplishments.
Clean Up Your Winter Blues
This winter I have cleaned out Hub’s and my closet, our drawers and the infamous junk drawer. I have also gone through our books and held a book swap with friends. It is a great time to go through paperwork and get rid of anything you don’t need and find those necessary papers for doing your taxes.
Another thing I love to do in the winter is to clean out my pantry, fridge, and freezer. This gives me the extra time to look at dates and get rid of anything that is outdated. Another benefit of cleaning the freezer out now is if I find something outdated, I can put it in the garbage and it doesn’t smell like it would in the summer. Plus, I always seem to find something I forgot I had, which I can use to make a special treat.
Party Your Winter Blues Away
There is nothing like partying your winter blues away. Yes, the weather may be cold outside, but when friends and family come together for a party everyone’s spirits are warmed. I recently held an after Christmas party with my friends. I hosted a brunch on a Saturday morning with bagels, a yogurt bar, and other goodies. It was fun catching up with friends! We even had a gift exchange. Our gift exchange was amusing because it gave us all a way to get rid of those crazy presents you receive that you have no idea when you will use them.
Game night is always popular. We love to play charades because everyone can play! Invite your friends to bring a game and come on over! Popcorn and hot chocolate are always winners! If your friends have kids, this is a great way to have a family fun night all together.
Running Away from Winter Blues
Here we are in the dead of winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. It is a proven fact that exercise is vital in helping to beat those winter blues. Exercise releases those feel-good endorphins that we have all come to know, love and appreciate. Maybe the gym is the answer for you, but if you bundle up and wear the right protective clothing, winter can be a beautiful time to take a hike, cross country ski or walk in the park. Just make sure you do your outside activities in moderation and when temperatures aren’t dangerous.
Volunteer Your Winter Blues Away
Are you bored? Volunteering is a great way to help others while helping yourself. During the holidays, many organizations that depend on volunteers are overwhelmed, but after the holidays it is slim pickings. Do you like animals? I am sure there is a shelter in your area who would love to have some extra hands to help care for their animals.
Nursing homes and Assisted Living facilities have lots of extra visits at Christmas, but not so much after the holidays are over. I know many places are looking for volunteers to lead a craft, call a bingo game or sit and talk with the residents. I have made some of my best friends in nursing homes and love hearing their stories of yesteryear.
Do you attend church or synagogue? I’m sure there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer, whether it is sending cards to those who are sick or preparing food for those who need a meal due to a death in their family. I’m sure your children’s ministry could always use an extra pair of hands. If you don’t know where to begin, ask, and I am sure someone will be happy to help you find a place to serve.
Let the Sunshine In
It is a proven fact that lack of sunshine increases the risk of depression. I have friends who struggle with seasonal depression, and they have sunlamps or light boxes to help them get through the winter season. Although these lights can be expensive, I’m told they are worth their price in helping chase those winter blues away.
Vacay the Winter Blues Away
When all else fails, book a vacation in a warmer climate and where the sun is more apt to be shining. Sunshine is an excellent source of Vitamin D and helps the brain produce much-needed serotonin. Vacation also gives you something to look forward to and keeps you busy planning for your trip. If you can’t afford a long vacation far from home, plan a nearby overnight staycation which takes you out of your normal routine. Hubs and I have found some cheap rates on rooms in the winter and taken advantage of the facilities’ pool and hot tub.
Praise and Pray Your Winter Blues Away
One of my favorite ways to beat the winter blues is to start praying (Yes, you can pray with your eyes open) and praising God for all the good things He is doing in my life on a daily basis. As soon as I turn on the music, I can't help but get in a good mood. When I change my focus, it changes my heart! Share on XAs soon as I turn on the music, I can’t help but get in a good mood. When I change my focus, it changes my heart!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
When the Winter Blues Won’t Go Away
Finally, if you are having a difficult time shaking your winter blues and can’t seem to find an upswing, I want to encourage you to call your doctor and go in for a check-up. We all struggle from time to time, and there are times professional help is needed. There is no shame or guilt in needing help to find out what is wrong and how we can feel better.
How Do You Fight the Winter Blues?
I’ve listed several ways to help fight the winter blues. What are some ways you have found to combat the winter blues? The good news is Spring is less than sixty days away! Until then hang on and may the Son Shine on you!
I dont even really recognize I have the winter blues until spring starts peaking in and I get a little sunshine and warmth. Almost makes you feel like a new person! A winter get away seems like a must every winter!
Hi, Amber!
I agree! I love a winter getaway in a warm climate with swinging palm trees 🙂
I love this! I never thought about volunteering during the winter to help, definitely going to start doing that, thanks!
Hi, Jessie!
I know you will be blessed by whatever you do!
I think we all suffer some sort of winter blues, I know I do !!
Hi, Cynthia!
I think we do too! Maybe, it is the opposite for those who live in the South. They are captives of the heat in the summer and we are captives of the cold in the winter. Thanks for sharing!
The struggle is real in the winter! So many people suffer from seasonal depression and don’t even realize it; it’s odd to think the depression can come and go according to a particular season but it’s true! These are some good starting points to overcome seasonal depression! I would also encourage someone who has seasonal depression not to be afraid to see counseling or someone to talk to in general; it’s crazy how just getting your feelings out in the open can help!
Hi Sierra!
I agree! This is why I encouraged everyone to see a doctor if their symptoms persisted. You are right about talking how you feel can bring such relief and knowing you are not alone in dealing with seasonal depression. Thanks for your insights!
What great suggestions for conquering the winter blues! I especially like your suggestion for partying them away!:) I’ve found that fellowship and laughter always lift my spirits.
Hi, Cindy!
Everybody loves a party! It always feels good to laugh and catch up with family and friends especially after the busyness of the holidays! A party doesn’t have to complicated to be fun!
I used to not get the winter blues until kids and super stressful job. Now, I feel like it just crops up. Thank you for your suggestions for getting through them.
Hi, Jori!
I am sorry about your stressful job. I am sure it is difficult! It is hard for the kids too when they feel cooped up and going stir crazy. As much as we love our kids it can be overwhelming at times. I hope the tips help and you will be in my prayers!
I love these tips to fight the winter blues. I definitely use it as a time to do pre-spring cleaning around the house. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Haley!
Pre-Spring cleaning is great! I love to get as much done on the inside so when the warm weather does come I don’t feel guilty for sitting poolside 🙂
We all fall into the winter blues, I sure do. These tips are great for dealing with them! Thanks:)
Hi, Julie!
I’m glad I can help! Here’s hoping those gray skies clear up soon and spring comes early!
I’m in Northwest Florida, so while there’s no snow, it is gray and rainy for long periods. When I feel those winter blues creeping in I try to find something in the coming week I can look forward to. If there’s nothing planned, I do like you suggested and set something up with friends. I also add citrus fruits and Vitamin D3 to my intake, both of which naturally fight depression. I’ll definitely be adding your tips to my arsenal!
Hi, Rachel!
I’m glad I gave you some new tips! Many people think if they lived in Florida they wouldn’t get the winter blues, but they forget Florida has gray days too! Also, last year when I was in Sanibel it was downright chilly! They even had a frost one night! However, it was warmer than where I lived. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to boost your arsenal 🙂
I definitely always get the winter blues. These tips are so great!
Hi, Leigh!
I’m glad they will help! At least recognizing the blues helps you to stay on top! Do you have any other ways you fight the winter blues?
So where I live there is no winter so it’s hard to relate but they sound like some great tips to keep in mind if I ever move somewhere that has a winter.
Hi, Kristal!
I enjoy the change of seasons, but winter can get to you after a while. I don’t think it is the snow as much, but the gray days on end. I am a sunshine junkie who needs to score her Vitamin D! Have you ever experienced snow?
I struggle with SAD as well. E go on a walk everyday… no matter how cool it is! I also blare praise musician host impromptu dance parties with the kids.
Hi, Tiffany!
I love impromptu dance parties! They are the best! They definitely lift your spirits and get the endorphins going too!
Love these tips, Sheila. I think I have utilized most of them at one time or another and definitly see the value in each of them. So thankful for all the options we have!
Hi, Heather!
I agree! I am thankful for the many options we have too! All else fails I can write 🙂 I can’t imagine living in the pioneer days and people were snowed in for weeks!
Considering our Winter feels and looks a lot like our Spring, I don’t think I suffer from the Winter blues. But you never know!
Hi, Heather!
You are blessed for sure! The winter blues didn’t bother me for a long time until I was an empty-nester and the house was so quiet. Now, I make sure I get out and go for a walk or to the gym to defeat those pesky blues!
I’m lucky that despite I deal with depression I love winter so I don’t get it but these tips are helful nontheless, I find when I’m in one of my waves the best I can do is to stop and do just what I want, even if it means that I lay in bed all day. My mind needs to rest so I let it
Hi, Mimi!
You are right sometimes the best thing we can do is take a pause from life. I have found when I take a break I am rejuvenated in ways I didn’t even know that I needed. Thanks for sharing!
Seasonal depression is so bad but you really gave great tips that will totally help
Hi, Paula!
I agree it can be tough to get through! I am glad my tips will help!
This is an excellent list!! I love the idea of volunteering your blues away! I live in south Florida but still the cooler temps can keep us indoors through the winter months!
Hi, Jen!
I have been to South Florida when it has been cool. We usually vacation for a week on Sanibel in the winter for some much-needed sunshine. Volunteering helps you and others!
I have to admit that winter is my least favorite month. I love hot weather and sunny summer days so each year I look forward to warmer months ahead. These are some great ideas for keeping busy in the winter! For me, spending time with family and friends, eating healthy and exercise are some of my favorites.
Hi, Lori!
I love busy summer days too! I love to grill and eat outside! I’m glad these tips can help! Spring is less than 60 days away…FINALLY 🙂
These are amazing tips!!! I love winter but the cabin fever struggle is real!! I also love sun!! I need light or I can tend to feel down so I can totally relate to this post!!!
Hi, Diane!
You are right cabin fever is real! I am a beach girl who loves the sun and the SON! I’m with you about having light to boost my spirit. Whenever we have 2 or more gray days I can begin to feel the effects of no sunshine for sure!
What a wonderful set of ideas to get your mind off this crazy weather! I will definitely be putting these into effect! Thank you for sharing!
Hi, Carolyn!
Trust me I needed these ideas too! We have had storm after storm if I didn’t do some of these things I would be going stir crazy!I’m glad the tips will help.
I love this!!! And the name of your blog is THE cutest!
Hi, Amy!
Thank You! Glitter is random and shows up in the most unexpected places! I love that we can BE the Sparkle or someone or something else is the sparkle for us. The good news is Jesus is everywhere!
I am so loving this blog so much! I sometimes experience winter blue! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Hi, Maggie!
Thank you for your sweet words! Sometimes, I experience it too. I’m thankful winter doesn’t last long.
Seems I’ve inadvertently been doing a couple of these! On Sunday in the single digits here and my hubby went searching for something in the pantry while I was reading… needless to say, that precipitated a complete pantry sweep! It was nice here today in the high 50s and I so enjoyed being able to get outside and breathe a little fresh air! Thanks for these great tips!
Hi, Liz!
There is nothing like a good pantry sweep! I love looking into the pantry and having it all organized for when I am cooking or baking. It makes both go much smoother, plus I know what I need to restock. I’m glad your weather is warmer. It has been gray, overcast days here in Maryland!