As Christmas approaches, we hear Christmas songs playing on the radio. There is a song by Andy Williams called, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” It is a great song filled with happiness, and it gives us many reasons to find joy in Christmas. Yet for many, Christmas is the most challenging time of the year. Unmet expectations and disappointments lead to many people finding themselves stressed, grumpy, frustrated, depressed and alone.
Trade Your Sorrows for Joy
It is hard to be joyful when you feel like there is just no joy left within you. Let’s face it, life is hard enough, and when you add the holidays, it can be a cocktail for disaster. Maybe you have a broken family relationship, have lost a job or a loved one, or are battling a serious illness. I know life can be hard. I’m genuinely sorry you are going through a difficult time. However, I want you to know that you are not alone. If you are struggling, I want to help you find JOY this Christmas season.
Find Joy in the Christmas Season
How do we find joy in a season of chaos? We must choose joy! I know it isn’t easy, but we have to make a conscious effort. We may not be able to change our circumstances, but we can choose to change our attitude. Instead of looking at the cup as half empty, let’s decide to look at our cup as half full. Comparing ourselves to others and what they have is a trap! Comparison always leaves you feeling you need to be more, do more and get more.
You Can’t Purchase True Joy
In a time of year that encourages you to buy things that will help you find joy; this Christmas season remember that true joy can’t be purchased by anyone. The latest technology gift or kitchen gadget can’t begin to fill the void only Jesus can fill. Pure joy was bought and paid for on a cross over two thousand years ago by one whose name was JESUS! No one else could come close to affording something with a price tag that high.
J – Jesus
If you are searching for real joy and don’t understand what it is to have a relationship with Jesus, you don’t have to look any further. Jesus is the only one who will ever give you pure joy. Why? Because a relationship with Jesus brings peace, love, hope, forgiveness, contentment and abundant life. A life filled with eternal promises, not temporary fixes. Your life’s worth isn’t based on how much you own, but rather on who owns you. When you surrender your life to Christ, you gain untold riches. You become an heir to the throne of grace. Find joy this Christmas season and ask Jesus to come into your heart. Say this prayer:
Father God, I have been searching for true joy for a long time. Please forgive me for filling my life with temporary fixes and help me to replace them with your eternal joy. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross and paying the price so I can find joy this Christmas season.
John 3:16: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Live and love outrageously! When you find joy this Christmas season, you can’t help but live and love outrageously. Jesus gives you a new perspective on giving and receiving love. When we realize what we have been forgiven for and saved from, our lives become filled with purpose. We look at the world differently because we understand we are no longer hostages to the world’s standards, but eternally free to love others as Jesus loves us. The best gifts in life are the ones you can’t buy but can give outrageously to one another such as kindness, love, mercy, and forgiveness.
John 13:34
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
To find joy this Christmas season say Yes to Joy! Don’t allow circumstances or anyone including yourself to rob you of the glorious meaning of Christmas. Jesus came to earth as a baby boy to bring joy to the world. Yes, He did!
Every time we choose joy, our faith becomes stronger, and we become more resilient against the tricks of the enemy and the trappings of this world. It doesn’t mean we won’t have difficult times, but they become easier to face when we choose to find joy in the Christmas season. Whatever you are facing this season Jesus is with you!
The Joy of Helping Others
Sometimes, the best thing we can do to find our own joy is to help others find their joy in the Christmas season. Many organizations are looking for extra volunteers this time of year. Whether it is at a church, school, senior center or animal shelter we all have the power to make a difference and bring joy to others for Jesus. Wherever God leads you, celebrate with joy and spread your joy. Are you alone? Step out of your box and invite a family member or friend to volunteer with you! Joy is contagious, but it doesn’t make you feel icky like a cold.
The Power of Joy
How do we combat joy robbers? By arming ourselves with the Word of God. Here are some scriptures to help you keep your joy from being robbed.
- Psalm 94:19 -When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
- Psalm 118:24-This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
- Psalm 5:11-But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
- Psalm 35:9-Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be glad because he rescues me.
- Psalm 126:2-3 We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!
The power of joy is you get to keep it long past Christmas. The joy that Jesus brings to your heart is for eternity.
My prayer for you this season is this from Romans 15:13.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is such an enlightening post. The season has me stressed and I forgot about finding the joy in it.
Hi, Peachy!
I pray you are finding your joy and becoming less stressed! I’m glad you enjoyed this post.
This really is a joyous season and full of opportunity for gratitude. Thinking of others and doing what you can to help is always an important part of my Christmas.
Hi, Christa!
It is a joyous season! I love that thinking of others and doing what you can is a part of your Christmas. So many times the true meaning gets lost at the mall 🙂
Finding joy in the little things in life is so important. So many times we dwell on the little things.
Hi, Becca!
You are right! If we can’t find the joy in little things how do we find true joy in the big things? Many blessings and a joyous season to you!
I love Christmas and what it means for those who believes x
Hi, Marina!
I love Christmas and for the celebration of the sweet baby Jesus!
Great post! I completely agree – you have to make a conscious decision to be joyous. Helping others & spreading joy is definitely a great way to have joy yourself!
Hi, Jennifer!
Helping others is the best way to get yourself out of a funk for sure! Thanks for your kind words. You are appreciated.
Timely and beautiful! Struggling a bit this season but praying it through and finding joy little by little.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Hi, Toni!
Oh, my dear friend, I am praying for you! I am struggling too because of momma’s death, but I know she would want me to be joyful. I’m here if you want to talk. Love you!
Joy is a choice, not a circumstance, and I think you gave us all several great practical ways to choose joy this holiday season – or any time of year for that matter.
Hi, Jordan!
Thank You for your encouraging words! I pray for you to have a joyous season!
Love your acronym! I find that helping others always makes me feel uplifted as well.
Hi, Amber!
Thanks for your sweet words! I agree when we help others I always feel more blessed to give than to receive. Oh, wait there is a scripture that says that very thing 🙂
Many good reminders. Thanks so much! We are focusing on giving as opposed to receiving with our kids this advent. I love it.
Hi, Meredith!
Thanks for your kind words and what a great lesson for your children to learn this advent season. A lesson which will live on in their lives for a long time. Blessings to you!
Wow! I love that acronym JOY! I am going to share that all around!
Hi, Tiffany!
Thank You! I love Jesus Outrageously, Yes! Thank you for sharing and may pure JOY be yours this Christmas season!
Joy has been my word of the year for 2018. It’s been difficult for me to be joyful for many reasons and I really appreciate your advice. Helping others is a sure way to bring joy, meaning and purpose.
Hi, JJ!
It is funny because last year my word was “Hope” and trust me if there ever was a year I needed to cling to hope it was last year. My prayer is that you will cling to pure joy in the midst of chaos and know you are never alone. Also, I really enjoyed your blog post today!
This is great advice. Thank you
Hi, Mallory!
Thank You for your kind words!
As someone who the holidays tend to hit hard, you really hit the nail on the head with loving and helping others. There is something about changing your perspective and focusing on others that allows God to fill up all of your empty and hard spots with love and joy.
Hi, Erin!
Now, you have hit the nail on the head. The holidays are hard for me this year and I know from personal experience from giving and serving others my heart is full of love and pure joy!
I love that you’ve pointed out that joy isn’t sold in stores. This needs to be at the forefront of our thoughts during the Advent season.
Hi, Marta!
Boy, if we could bottle up joy and give it away for free at the store I’d love to think how many lives would be changed. The funny thing is people would want to know what the catch was for being free 🙂
The joy of helping others is huge. When women experience unbearable emotional pain, they can ask God what they can do for another person, and it takes their mind off their situation if only for a moment in time.
Hi, Susan!
I agree when we have an opportunity to take our eyes off from ourselves and help and serve others it is very healing to the soul.
What a wonderful reminder, Sheila. No matter where we are this Christmas season, our hearts can be overflowing with joy because of Jesus.
Hi, Heather!
Thank You for always encouraging my heart. I’m thankful for the JOY only Jesus brings too!