This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving and come together with family and friends to share the blessings of the past year. There is a great power in being thankful. The more we recognize how blessed we are, the more contagious our thankfulness becomes.
Are You Thankful for Spiritual Blessings?
We are often most thankful for our physical blessings such as food, clothing, and shelter. We are also thankful for our family and friends. But while we’re being thankful, can we look beyond the people and things that surround us in order to see the powerful spiritual blessings God gives, that we often take for granted? I know there are times I have missed out on these in the past. But this year as I reflect, there are some things that strike me differently because of where God has taken me on my personal journey. How about you?
Being Thankful in Midst of Crisis
This year has been a season with some extreme hills and valleys, but throughout the year God has constantly reminded me of what I have versus what I don’t have. When we struggle, it is easy to get caught in the trap of thinking about those things we don’t have. In the midst of suffering, we have a tremendous opportunity to be reminded of what God has given to us. What are these gifts that often go unnoticed?
Grace doesn't become a powerful gift to be thankful for until you need to use it for yourself. Share on XGrace doesn’t become a powerful gift to be thankful for until you need to use it for yourself. It isn’t until you recognize your own need for forgiveness that you can truly understand what an awesome gift Jesus gave to us through the cross. Grace is a gift that is undeserved but freely given by God. Grace is never a gift to withhold from someone else because God never holds back His grace for us. God’s grace cost us nothing, but it cost God putting His beloved son on a cross to pay a debt we would never be able to pay on our own. This is why giving grace is just as important for the giver as for the recipient. Once we realize how influential grace is in our own lives, we can’t help but be thankful and offer grace to others.
James 4:6 But the grace that God gives is even stronger. As the scripture says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Kindness can go a long way with anyone. Being kind can lead people to Jesus who would never walk in the door of a church. It may seem like such a little thing. One act of kindness whether random or on purpose can start a huge wave of thankfulness. Kindness has the power to change lives including your own. I love hearing stories of how one person shares an act of kindness and it spreads like wildfire. We read numerous stories about Jesus in the Bible where Jesus impacted lives forever just by being kind. Again, there is great power in being thankful for the gift of kindness.
Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Unconditional Love:
In a world that puts conditions on everything, I am grateful that God doesn’t put any conditions on His love for me. Regardless of my mistakes or even blatant sin, God has never cast me aside and said: “I am done with you”. It doesn’t mean that I haven’t had to repent and ask for forgiveness, but I know that despite my sinful human heart God loves me and sent His son Jesus to die in my place. I’m not saying it is easy to give unconditional love when others have hurt you, because frankly, we’re not Jesus. As a follower of Christ I am called to love not with my own human love, but God’s love. Whenever I am tempted to withhold love because I think someone doesn’t deserve it, I am reminded to look in the mirror.
1 Peter 4:8: Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
It is always nice to have a cheerleader. We all want someone who refuses to give up on us even when it looks like we are losing. God is always for us! I’m thankful for the human cheerleaders God has placed in my life this past year. When I was tired physically, spiritually and emotionally God placed someone in my day to cheer me on through scripture, prayer, or a phone call. It all seemed unpredictable, but God always had a plan. The power of being thankful for encouragement spurs me on to do the same for others.
1 Thessalonians 5:11: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Living in an Ungrateful World
We may live in an unkind and unfair world. It doesn’t mean we have to be ungrateful and refuse to acknowledge God and the gifts He gives us daily. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of all the gifts He has given to me. However, I do know the power of being thankful for these gifts. They can change lives because they changed mine. What are some of the gifts God has given to you this year?
Your Sparkle is a Blessing
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! I am thankful for my readers, who shower me with grace, kindness, unconditional love and encouragement. This Thanksgiving may you and your families and friends be as blessed as you have made me. There is great power in the gift of being thankful!
1 Chronicles 16:34: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; his love endures forever
It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama of life and forget to show gratitude. I NEEDED this post. Thank you, Sheila!
Hi, Marta!
You are right especially in this day and age where drama reigns. Trust me I NEEDED this post too. God has a way of making what I am going through an object lesson. Merry Christmas, Marta!
This post is such a beautiful reminder for me. I especially have a hard time remembering to be grateful in times of crisis. But I count my blessings everyday because of those moments of crisis – knowing that we came through and all is well with the world again. And even during the challenging times, there is still so much to be thankful for! Thank you for this lovely reminder especially on Thanksgiving 🙂
Hi, Deb!
I agree there are times it is difficult to be grateful in the crisis, but after you have been through the crisis and have the ability to look back you can see how many blessings were along the way. I am glad this post encouraged you! Many blessings to you!
Such a beautiful reminder and a great lesson to pass down to children. Thanks for sharing!
It is so vital we pass on the importance of being thankful to our children. Our society bases so much on unfulfilled expectations rather than being grateful for what we have been blessed with every day. I pray you and your family had a great Thanksgiving!
This season especially is all about being thankful and counting your blessings. Enjoyed this post!
Hi, Leigh!
You are correct there is always something we can be grateful for and count our blessings. Life is too short to live with an ungrateful heart. I am glad you enjoyed my post.
I love the way you think! I haven’t thought about being “thankful” in the spiritual sense quite the way you put it. I love how you mention that you just never know what might happen when being kind. It can change someone’s world.
Hi, Sarah!
I’m glad my post was an encouragement for you. Kindness is such a beautiful thing we all can give and reap beautiful rewards. Blessings to you and I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving!
What an inspiring post to read! I also think that grace is not powerful unless you start with yourself. As well as kindness, and unconditional love.
Hi, Gena!
I agree. Although many of us are harder on ourselves than others if we don’t use grace for ourselves then we are wasting a precious gift. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Practicing gratitude can really change how we view the world and our circumstances. Thankfulness should be practiced not just one day a year. This post was a lovely reminder.
Hi Christa!
I agree with you and love your insight! These are wise words, my friend!
Gratitune is eveything..
Happy Thanksgiving x
Hi, Marina!
You are right! Gratitude is everything. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Kindness is a good skill to use in any situation. And gratitude is timeless!
Hi, Marcie!
Kindness is a gift that goes a long way. I believe kindness has the power to change lives. It is amazing what one random act of kindness can do for yourself and others
I was just talking to my daughter about this and the importance of seeing the good rather focusing on and complaining about things that might not be just the way we like (she’s 6). This is such a timely reminder!!
Hi, Patricia!
It is a great gift to teach our children to look at the good instead of the bad. The world would love us to live in a defeated state with no hope. However, there are good people who do good things to make our world a better place.
We all need to be more thankful for our many blessings. Thanks for passing this message.
Hi, Nikki!
Sometimes all it takes is a simple reminder to help us embrace our thankfulness. Happy Thanksgiving!
I love everything about this post. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring message
Hi, Karin!
Thank You for your kind words. My heart is to encourage and inspire at least one person every day!
Thank you, Sheila. This is a very timely reminder and in line with this Sunday’s sermon “Be Grateful for Answered Prayers” Gratefulness should be a consistent mindset!
Hi, Jazz!
I agree when we have the mindset of gratefulness we recognize our blessings on a whole new level. Thank You for your word’s of encouragement! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wonderful post and such good things to remember to be thankful for. I wholeheartedly agree with all of them. Thank you for bringing these wonderful gifts from God back into focus. He is so good to us! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sheila. I know it will be hard without your mom. I always miss my dad at these holiday times of year, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas! I pray your family will surround you with love and your home will be filled with laughter! Hugs. – Amy
Hi, Amy!
Thank You for always encouraging my heart. Thanksgiving will be hard, but I am blessed to have my family and friends surround me with an abundance of love. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family. I know whatever you wear you will be styling!!
I am working on being thankful in the midst of waiting which has been difficult for me. I am hoping to spend this season filled with thanks rather than bitterness.
Hi, Vicky!
I am praying for you that God would demonstrate His love to you in a powerful way. I pray that this holiday season you will find true joy in the midst of a difficult season. Life can be hard. Trust me this past year has not been a picnic for me, but I can’t imagine what I would do without my hope in God. Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you!
I do believe there is power in being thankful and showing gratitude. What a great time of year to post about this!
Hi, Mallory!
I’m glad I’m not alone. Happy Thanksgiving to you!