Halloween is on Wednesday, and people of all ages are looking for and creating their costumes. Of course, along with a costume comes choosing the perfect Halloween mask to hide your identity. As a little girl, I remember my mom taking me to a local store where boxes of costumes with masks lined the shelves. I could pick anyone or anything I wanted to be. Of course, I always chose to be a princess, complete with a crown and lots of sparkle and glitter. I’m sure that isn’t a surprise to anyone reading this blog. It is fun to be someone or something else for a day, but eventually, the Halloween mask comes off, and you have to go back to being you.
The Power of the Mask
However, many of us including myself have worn a mask and not just on Halloween. Many of us wear more than one mask because it is easier to be somebody else than to allow people to see how we really feel on any given day. There is always a risk when we allow others to look at our vulnerabilities.
How many times has someone asked how you were, and you responded with, “I’m great!” when the truth is you were miserable. Have you ever been mad and told the person who made you mad it was no big deal when it really was a big deal? Do you walk on eggshells around certain people because it is easier to agree with them than having a conversation which inevitably ends with them insulting you or trampling on your opinion?
Is the Real You Hidden Behind Your Mask?
I admit I have worn masks at various times in my life because I wanted to be loved and accepted like everyone else. In high school, I wore a mask for protection when hurtful words were said about me, and I didn’t want anyone to see my reaction. There have been times when I have been sad but didn’t feel safe in sharing my true feelings. Other times, I have worn a mask when I was angry because I was always known as a sweet, polite girl. There was a point in my adult life that I wore a mask for so long that I almost lost the real me. Are there times when you have worn a mask? What made you feel like you had to wear a mask?
Do People Know the Real You?
Are you authentic and honest with people? We may not be actors, but we can sure play the part when needed. What is it that makes us want to wear these masks? Are we afraid if we are honest it will change how people feel about us? You can only wear a mask for so long before you must take it off and reveal your true identity.
Let’s be honest!
How many times have you walked into church with a smile when you have been arguing with your spouse or children all the way there? Are you wearing a mask pretending you have a great relationship with God, but you don’t? Do you really enjoy going to church or do you wear a mask of obligation? When asked to serve, do you do it joyfully or do you hate it every minute of it and wear a mask of requirement? God never wants you to wear a mask.
Take Off Your Mask
To be transparent, you must be willing to take off your mask. I’m not saying you have to tell everyone you see about all your issues. But sometimes, by allowing ourselves to remove our masks, we help others to remove theirs too. When we share what we are struggling with, often someone else will admit they are struggling in that area as well. We aren’t as alone as the enemy wants us to believe.
God Knows the Real You
A mask only hides what we don’t want people to see; it doesn’t hide us from what God already sees. I’m not going to lie; sometimes it is more comfortable to wear a mask than to deal with the reality of how we feel. But, who are we lying to the most? Ourselves. We can fool other people, but we can’t fool God. Why, because God knows us from the inside out.
God Wants Us to Be Ourselves
The only person God desires you to be is YOU! You never have to apologize for not being able to be someone else. When we surround ourselves with honest, authentic people whose desire is to love God with all their heart, mind and soul it allows us to become transparent. It is freeing! It doesn’t mean we are perfect, but we can recognize our imperfections and help one another to love, grow, and forgive knowing we are in the light of Christ. We don’t have to worry about what others think when we know what God thinks of us, and we don’t have to hide behind a mask of deceit.
2 Corinthians 4:2
We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don’t maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don’t twist God’s Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God.
Being Real is Okay!
Go ahead and take off your mask. Your real beauty can’t be masked by the world. God’s beauty within you exudes from every fiber of your being when you allow Him to shine through you!
Interesting post! I always try to be as authentic as possible, but always continue to work on being an even better version of myself.
Hi, Maria!
Yes! Every day we need to keep working on being authentic to the person God has created us to be. It is when we know who we are created to be in Jesus we no longer have to wear a mask because we are secure in our own identity!
Such a thought-provoking post. Thank you for this message.
Hi, Sharon!
Thank You for your encouragement! I pray you are walking in the light and truth of God’s love.
This is a great reminder for everyone
Hi, Danielle!
It was a great reminder for myself too! I don’t want to be in a trap where I can’t be true to my Jesus.
I love this post. It took me until college to even begin to realize how to be my authentic self and not try to be what people wanted me to be. Thank you for writing this.
Hi, Leigh!
I’m glad you were encouraged by this post! Sometimes, it does take us a while to learn the most important person to be authentic to is ourselves. God loves it when we are who He has created us to be! I’m glad you know who you are and no longer feel like you have to be other people’s expectations. God Bless You!
I totally agree with this post. It’s time to unveil our mask and be genuine. Thanks for the reminder as sometimes we try to cover ourselves for a different motives without us realizing it.
Hi, Linda! Thanks for your input and honesty too! We do cover ourselves for various reasons some good, but never the best reason
Such a great message!
Thank You Kelsey!
I agree hiding behind a mask is so easy done, but once you reveal yourself its such a better feeling.
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Hi, Rai!
I agree when there is nothing more hidden in the darkness the light allows you to see everything from a different and positive perspective.
I think sometimes I can be too transparent… You’re 100% on the spot though. We need to be real and be our authentic selves.
Hi, Chelsea!
There is a risk in being transparent, but I believe that God honors authenticity and people respect you as a result of it. Let’s face it no one like a fraud. 🙂
This is a powerful message;I pray it reaches out to many.
Great work Sheila, may God equip you more.
Hi, Sarah!
Thank You I pray it reaches many and God would use every person’s story to bring God His glory!
I love your suggestion of being transparent and that the truth is – God knows who we really are. I’ve been hiding behind a mask most of my childhood because it was the only way I felt I could be accepted being different. Now as an adult I love being my silly quirky self, and the friends who love me for who they see – truly accept me for who I am, and that’s a blessing all around!
Hi, Deb!
I’m so glad you allow yourself to see the way God sees you! I know it is a journey to get there sometimes, but every step is worth it!
Perfect encouraged for women today. I too went through a journey several years ago as God peeled away layers and layers of masks I had been wearing, some since childhood. Thanks for putting this encouraging word out there. 🙂
Hi, Susan!
I wanted to remove my mask so others would feel comfortable like yourself to say I struggle too. The more we share, the more the enemy can no longer hold us captive to our thoughts and we don’t have to hide anymore. We become stronger!
Sheila, This is so true. So many of us try to hide behind masks though we don’t like to call it that. God wants us to be authentic and loving. Thanks for this.
Hi, Amy!
You are right we don’t like to call them masks because it makes us sound fake, but the reality is if we aren’t being real we are being fake. God didn’t create us to be less than who He created us to be. Thanks for your insights, Amy!
It is so hard to come out from behind the mask and be real! Blogging has really helped me do that. I feel like I can truly be myself when I know it can encourage or help someone else!
Hi, Joy!
You are right it is hard but so rewarding for our soul satisfaction 🙂 Blogging has helped me too because it has made me realize if I’m not true to myself how can I expect others who take time to read my blog to believe what God places on my heart. Be true to you!
This is a wonderful message, thank you. I do hide behind a mask every day and you are right, God knows the real me. It’s so hard to be transparent though, I’m afraid people won’t like me for who I am. Something to work on I guess.
Hi, Kathleen!
Take off your mask and be proud of who God has made you to be! People will always find fault because make it makes them feel better, but you never have to apologize for being your authentic self. Thanks for being honest about your struggle! Praying for you!