This past week I have been walking daily trying to get ready for a 5k I am doing on Saturday. I wish I could say I have enjoyed my walks, but I haven’t. I am starting from scratch. I quit walking every day a few weeks before my momma died and to be honest, with the whole hyperparathyroidism thing I didn’t have any energy.
However, now that my surgery is done and behind me, I am moving forward, or at least trying to move. It is hard to start over again. My body doesn’t want to move, and every step I take feels like I am walking in cement. The slightest hill makes me out of breath, and then I need to stop because my heart rate goes too high. I know it will get easier, but right now I hate every minute of it. However, I always feel better after I finish and I receive a great sense of accomplishment.
A Lack of Motivation
I heard a message recently from Pastor Steven Furtick who was sharing how easy it is to talk yourself out of something rather than talk yourself into something. I. AM. THERE. I find myself trying to think of a million excuses for why I can’t go for a walk when the reality is I have no good reason. I had to ask myself, ‘Sheila what is your problem?” The first word that popped into my head was motivation! I lack motivation. To achieve anything in life, you need to be motivated to do it. Why am I not motivated? If I knew the answer to that million-dollar question, I would tell you, but I don’t. However, I want to change that because I know a lack of motivation will lead you into a world of trouble.
Lack of motivation can impact every area of your life. If you are not motivated to clean your house, you end up with a dirty house. If you aren’t motivated to go to work, chances are you will lose your job and lose the dirty house you’re not motivated to clean. If you are not motivated to invest time with friends and family, chances are you will end up isolated from the people who love and care about you. If you are not motivated to spend time with God you will end up in a pit of despair, feeling the most profound loneliness you will ever feel, being used by the author of confusion and deceived about who you are and who belong to. Share on XIf you are not motivated to spend time with God you will end up in a pit of despair, feeling the most profound loneliness you will ever feel, being used by the author of confusion and deceived about who you are and who you belong to.
For my birthday my husband purchased me a FitBit Versa. For those who may not know what a Fitbit Versa is, it is a watch you wear to help you keep track of your daily physical activity. I love it, and I wear it every day. It tells me when I’ve been sitting too long and prompts me to get up and walk around so I can reach my goal of 10,000 steps a day. With this new model, I can even wear it in the pool when I go to water aerobics. There are exercise workouts programmed into the watch that warm me up, and I can do breathing exercises to relax before falling asleep at night. You can even invite your friends who have a Fitbit to a workweek challenge for some friendly competition. My FitBit keeps track of my heart rate which is helpful because since my heart attack I need to be careful it doesn’t get too high. Also, it is a great way to know you are in the zone you are trying to achieve whether it is cardio or fat burning. Plus, I can play all my favorite music, it provides me with inspirational tips, and it has a Starbucks app!
Keep Moving
I’m sure we have all fallen off the beaten path a time or two, but there is only one thing that will get us back to the path. We need to MOVE! My FitBit can try to motivate me all day long, but if I don’t move, nothing will change. I may have experienced a stumble, but God will not let me fall.
Psalm 37:23-24
The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.”
God gives us free will, so we get to choose whether to move or not. Every day we decide to do nothing or to live just for ourselves, we are denying the power of God within us and settling for less than what God intends. The more we move towards God, the more we become like Him.
For me to have victory in completing a 5K, I must move my body and push myself to want better. If I want to grow in Christ and become more like Him every day, I need to motivate myself to read, study and pray. God motivates us when He MOVES us in ways no one else can.
All week God kept whispering to my heart to just keep moving. Every time I wanted to turn around and quit this verse would come to mind.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Romans 8:18
It is said, you can’t have a message without a mess. I have been a mess, but God has allowed me to turn my test into a testimony for His glory. I am happy to tell you that I completed my 5K with my Dad and my daughter. It was a victory not because I won a prize or beat my best time, but because I was motivated to keep moving no matter what and trusting God in the process. Completing my 5k wasn’t just a physical victory, but a spiritual victory as well!
Achieving Victory with MOVE
I don’t know what your victory looks likes, but I do know when I think about this acronym, M.O.V.E. it motivates me to move. Sometimes, we need a reminder that when we move we win!
O-Ourselves to
Has there ever been a time in your life where you have lost your motivation? What did you do to get it back?
Yes, starting over can be hard, but worth it. What victory do you need today? Whatever victory you are working towards I pray you will achieve your goal. My prayer is God will MOVE and BLESS you in profound ways.
I believe when we are honest and authentic with one another and share our stories of failures and victories God moves in our hearts, and we become an even stronger testimony for the Kingdom. This gives God the victory!
I completely agree with you! The second I lose motivation and stop pushing myself, the harder everything gets!
Hi, Corrine!
I am with you! It sure is easy to lose and hard to find if I don’t stay motivated. Thanks for sharing!
Motivation is key in anything without it, it’s hard to take that next step
Recent Post: A Visit To The Pumpkin Patch
Hi, Rai!
I totally agree with your statement. Motivation is what pushes us in a new direction and without it we become directionally challenged.
I just did a blog post on this same issue! I think many people expect motivation to “strike” them before setting out to do things. But I find motivation, like our fitness, is very much something we have to intentionally build. And that means making ourselves get up off the couch and just do it until it becomes a habit and building discipline instead of waiting around and wishing for it.
Hi, Reese!
I know with the upcoming holidays if I don’t have motivation, nothing will get accomplished that is a for sure!
i find that when I am not motivated to do something it gets me into trouble because I fall behind. It never helps me catch up.
Hi, Rachel!
I know what you mean. I can have a bunch of good intentions, but if I am not motivated to follow through I end up more miserable than I began.
Our connection to God is vital to our level of motivation. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Jackie!
You are right! I know when I don’t feel good about my relationship with God because of my lack of motivation everything suffers.
Congrats Shiela for completing 5k! This post encourages me to try to do some walking with my 3 kids. I also agree about reading the Bible and praying so we can be like Christ. Thanks for encouraging post. Btw, sorry about your loss of your mom.
Hi, Em!
Thank-You for your kind words. I hope you take the opportunity to walk with your kids. It also teaches them the importance of staying active and making it a routine.
I am working on making time and finding motivation to do a lot of things, including more time in the Word.
Hi, Rachel!
It is true if we don’t make the time it won’t happen. Praying you find what works best for you!
I absolutely go through times where I lack motivation. It usually passes after a few weeks. Something will happen to just knock me out of it.
Hi, Christa!
I have been there and know that struggle. It is hard to make time when our plates are so full but so essential to our well-being.
I’m two months post partum and am seriously lacking motivation to get myself back into shape. A toddler and newborn are sucking all of the energy out of me lol
Hi, Mar!
Oh my goodness that is a lot. You are in a season of getting rest ANYTIME you can get it! You will be in my prayers as you transition into this new stage of life. I can tell you as an empty nester it will get better and you really will miss these days, but just not today.
Yes! This is motivating me to get up and moving. It can be so hard to get back into it, but it is always worth it!
Hi, Jane!
I’m glad I could motivate you to get up and get moving! This is what it is all about because when we move we groove. 🙂
This is so true! I am motivated when I am DOING.
Hi, Rachel
Yes, if we are doing nothing we are going nowhere. It is so good for us mentally, physically and spiritually!
So true… hard to get yourself going once you’re already telling yourself no
Hi, Amanda!
It is so important we stay positive in life and in our relationship with Christ. The enemy loves to tear us down and make us feel defeated.
I’m so happy for you! You got back on that horse and rode like a champ! Well done my sister! Well done!
For some, it’s finding the motivation to get back into a proper exercise routine and for others, at the other end of the spectrum, it’s the struggle just to get out of bed. Regardless of where any of us are in the struggle, this is a fantastic motivational post!
Hi, Toni!
Thank You, Toni! I HAD to get on that horse and get saddlesore to boot! It felt so good to get back out there and move forward. Every step is worth taking no matter where you are in your walk. Love you friend!
I try to be very aware of my motivation, or lack there of, and what is causing it. Sometimes, I need the downtime, but I MUST get back into the routine and feel motivated or it’s a total spiral! This is a wonderful reminder. 🙂
Hi, Katherine!
I am glad you were encouraged and hope you get back into the routine. There is nothing worse than feeling like you are in a bottomless pit!
I love the sound of that Fitbit! I need a reminder to get up and move! My workout motivation is lacking….
Hi, Patricia,
It has been a great help! It definitely has improved my motivation and increased my physical activity.
I needed that reminder and challenge today!
Hi, Cindy!
I need that challenge every day and the reminder that I am victorious!
Staying motivate is so hard and I totally agree it’s easier to talk yourself out of something rather than talk yourself into something
Hi, Paula!
It is hard, but the results are great and it makes you feel so much better about yourself.
I love my Fit Bit too, it really motivates me to walk, especially when I’m sitting on the desk all day
Hi, Mimi!
Yes! When we are at our desks all day long it is easy to not think about getting up, but when I feel the buzz on my wrist it is almost a welcomed relief to take a break