Last night I had a dream. It was all about honeybees. I could hear them buzzing and I could see they were working very hard. I studied as they worked and produced their honey. They were all working diligently to making their sweet and delicious honey comb. I marveled at how intricate the honeycomb was and how each of the bees was so focused on what they were doing. In my dream I knew God was there because I felt His presence, but I couldn’t see Him. There was such a warm feeling of love and unity, but I had no idea why I was there. I asked God to show me the significance of the dream and this is what He revealed to me.
The bees were representative of God’s children. We are worker bees for the Kingdom of God. Like the bees, we need to be working together to produce sweetness for the world to see. The more honey we produce the more others are drawn to the sweetness of the Lord. To produce honey, bees go from flower to flower pollinating each one which produces fruit and more seeds. I read that bees and other small animals that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us one out every three bites of food. As worker bees for God we need to pollinate those around us, so they can produce fruit and more seeds can be planted. When we work together towards kingdom goals everyone receives the reward and God is honored.
The honeybees are at risk of disappearing because of toxins from pesticides and other environmental factors. As believers, if we conform to the world’s standards of behavior we are putting ourselves at risk of disappearing, or at least becoming irrelevant. Hatred and selfishness are spiritual toxins which can make any believer sick! Share on XHatred and selfishness are spiritual toxins which can make any believer sick. What God intended for us was to produce the essence and the sweetness of His love. We could be pushing our honeycomb to the cusp of collapse if we are not careful.
Honeybees work together because they know what it produces. As believers in Jesus, we know what love produces. Love produces kindness, mercy, grace, forgiveness and removes hate, anger, shame and guilt. How do we know this? Because Jesus did this on the cross for each of us.
The disciples were the original worker bees who along with Jesus went out and shared the Good News. They went from city to city spreading love and the message of hope to all who would listen. Those worker bees (the disciples) asked others to join them and the honey comb just kept growing and producing the sweetness of the Lord.
Just like the honeybee, we can’t afford to let toxic elements destroy our calling. Politics and religion are the very same things the world used to send an innocent man to die on a cross. Have we not learned anything in over two thousand years?
Proverbs 16:24 says, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (NLT)
Honey is used in many ways. Honey is known for its healing properties, fighting cancer and helping with those pesky allergies. Honey is a body builder and they even make candles out of bees wax. Honey has many of the nutrients which are necessary for our everyday health.
As believers, when we love and work together we have the ability to accomplish great things. When we look at Acts chapter 2 we see the results of believers working together. I encourage you to read all of Acts 2, but here is a snippet of what happens when we work together.
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity — all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47 (MSG)
Aren’t these words sweet to your soul? We may think these words were only for the church in Acts, but they are still relevant for the believer today. The Holy Spirit resides in each of us and together we can add to our fellowship too. We must work together! May God fill your hearts with His sweetness. Be an example of His love and lead others to the healing of their souls.
Oh, that we would pollinate the love of Jesus to everyone we meet!
You, my friend, are a Jesus pollinating honey bee for sure!
Hi, Toni!
Right back at you my sweet friend! You are dripping with Jesus sweetness 🙂
What a perfect analogy, Sheila. And so well-developed and based in scripture. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Jazz!
Thank you for your encouragement! My prayer is to always point people back to the truth of the scriptures.
What a wonderful analogy. Beautifully written.
Hi, Amber!
Thank You so much! I appreciate your kind words more than you know. Many Blessings to you!
Bees is a fantastic analogy for life. Powerful creatures that need to work together for success.
Hi, Katherine!
I love your words! Powerful creatures that NEED to work together for success! It is so true we can do so much when we work together!
This is a beautiful analogy for Christians. We really do need to pollinate those around us!
Hi, Heather!
Thank You for your sweet words! We really do because the world needs a whole lot of sweetness!
Perfect inspiration that I needed today! The honey bee analogy is so good!
Hi, Emily!
I love how God uses the everyday things in life to teach us such valuable and inspirational lessons. I’m glad you were inspired!
What a great analogy for us as Christians. And I loved this: “As worker bees for God we need to pollinate those around us, so they can produce fruit and more seeds can be planted.” Blessings on you.
Hi, Amy!
Thank You for always encouraging my heart! You are so sweet! You produce lots of honey for Jesus!
I love the images of the honeybees making honey. I hope that the flavor of my life looks sweet to unbelievers.
I loved that image too. I pray God uses it to bless others with His sweetness.
Love this post, Sheila. I was in need of some encouragement today, and this hit the spot. Thank you so much!
Hi, Heather!
I’m glad you found encouragement! I love when God can use His message through me to encourage the soul! You are great at giving others encouragement!
I love Honey and Maple syrup. They are two of my favorite naturally sweet foods. It is bonus that honey also has so many healing properties.
Hi, Tanvi!
It is great you like those. If you get a chance I would love for you to read my post. I agree honey has great healing properties, but Jesus has even more 🙂