There is a saying, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” I think we can all agree the world is in a dark place. All we have to do is turn on our television, read a newspaper or look at social media to know the evil influence that is permeating the hearts of people. Our world has been turned upside down from the original Garden of Eden, where everything was perfect until sin entered the world. At that moment the hearts of people were changed, and even nature itself. For over two thousand years the devil and his demons have had their folly in attempting to destroy everything God made that was good.
It May Be Dark, but the Dawn is Coming!
The devil is a manipulator, and for centuries this has worked well for him and continues to work until this very day. It isn’t that the devil is that smart, he uses the same processes over and over again, and as human beings, we walk into his trap. The devil uses the same tactics such as pride, wars, slander, injustice, divorce, murder, shame, guilt, fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, lust, sex and malice that he has used since sin came into the world. The devil’s only joy is seeing others suffer!
It May Be Dark, but The Dawn is Coming!
On Sunday we will celebrate the reason we know the dawn is coming, but first, we must remember the darkness. Without remembering the darkness we can’t appreciate the dawn of a new day! Why? This darkness included hanging an innocent man on a tree where He would be beaten, mocked, spit upon and a spear thrust in His side. In the darkness, the last words which were spoken by Jesus were, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” The devil loves to hide in the dark, and I’m sure upon hearing these words the devil thought it was done and he won the victory. The devil was too busy celebrating his victory to know he had LOST! Because in the darkness, the enemy was defeated on his own turf. In the darkness, the devil thought he had outplayed, outwitted, schemed and believed he won the battle for all human souls, but it was NOT true.
It May Be Dark, but The Dawn is Coming!
We were given a gift from our heavenly Father, a Son named Jesus who walked on this earth for thirty-three years sharing His Father’s love. He performed miracles, signs, and wonders.It was because of of God's vast love Jesus became the living sacrifice for the redemption of all mankind. Share on X It was because of God’s vast love Jesus became a living sacrifice for the redemption of all mankind. He was a man loved by many, yet disregarded by those who questioned His message because of their agenda. Jesus brought, and still brings, hope for the world, as John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus was a man on a mission from God to save us from the darkness. Jesus was always part of God’s plan.
It May Be Dark, but The Dawn is Coming!
What does this mean for you and me? It means we can choose to flee the darkness and celebrate the dawning of a new day! Each of us can walk in the light and love of Christ by believing and receiving the gift of salvation. Salvation is the lifeline to the Father. Jesus made it possible for all of us to be free from our sin and allow us to be seen and heard by our loving, gracious God. It doesn’t mean our life is perfect and will be filled with flowers, rainbows, and unicorns. Salvation doesn't mean we are perfect: it means we are forgiven. Share on XSalvation doesn’t mean we are perfect; it means we are forgiven. We no longer have to suffer at the devil’s hands because we are given the hope of eternity. A new life filled with the redeeming love of Christ. Death has lost its sting and can no longer hold us in the grave. There is nothing the devil can do to us that can separate us from our Father’s love once we choose Him.
It May Be Dark. But The Dawn IS Coming!
Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ. It is a day we are reminded that a NEW dawn is here for all who believe. We no longer have to live in fear of judgment of what we have done in our past, or what we might do in our present or future. This gift of freedom doesn’t give us the liberty to keep sinning, but to choose not to sin. As believers in Christ, we can rejoice that our debt was paid in full on the cross. We do not receive a free pass because we deserve it, but because of our Father’s forgiveness, mercy, and grace. Our victory cost the life of Jesus Christ. Has anyone else ever loved you enough to be willing to die on a cross for you?
It May Be Dark, But The Dawn IS Coming!
I’m not sure where you are in your life or your relationship with Jesus at the moment. These are troubling times for all of us, the believer and non-believer alike. However, I can tell you that Jesus is the answer. Jesus is our hope! We have a choice to make. We can either run toward God, who is waiting for us with His arms wide open, or run from God believing we can handle things on our own. This earth is filled with all kinds of hardships, but each of us has a personal opportunity to build a relationship with God that can make us stand against anything or anybody including death. Don’t allow the devil to steal what God has given you since the beginning of time, His unconditional love. God’s love is a supernatural power because He is a supernatural God. There is no one and nothing else like Him. The stronger we become in Christ, the less power we give the enemy. God’s love through us is what can change the world and illuminate the darkness.
It May Be Dark, But The Dawn IS Here!
I pray you know how much God loves you. The Good News is you don’t have to wait for the dawn. Jesus loves you and His arms are waiting for you at this very moment. Jesus embraces all those who call out His name and seek Him. Jesus has made the difference in my life. He has traded my ashes for beauty! I know my heart is deceitfully wicked, but it is because of Jesus Christ my heart beats to a new song. It is His song of love, forgiveness, mercy, and redemption. What is your heart telling you? Whether you have been a believer for many years who has lost their faith because of life’s situations or a person who is trying to find their way to Jesus, know that you are not alone. With Jesus there is no guilt, shame or sorrow, just His everlasting peace! Let us pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Today we come before you with hearts of thankfulness for taking away the darkness and giving us the hope in the new dawning of today. Father, I know I need a personal relationship with you. Thank You for your love, mercy, and forgiveness. I know I haven’t done everything right and I confess my need for you. It is because of you I do not have to fear the dark or the sting of death because I know you will always be with me. Remind me daily of your love and grace. May others see what you have done in my life and help me to be a testimony of your love for the world to see. Thank You, Jesus, for always believing in me and loving me unconditionally.
It May Be Dark, But The Dawn IS Here!
May this Holy Week be filled with the newness of God’s love and a reminder of the cost of the cross. As we celebrate Good Friday and Easter may the gift of God’s love fill you with joy knowing the Dawn IS Here! Don’t keep this precious gift to yourself, but share it with all those God puts in your path. If we want the world to know we are different because of what we believe, we have to be willing to share what we believe. There is no time like the present to invite someone to go to church with you. It might be the invitation God has been waiting for them to receive.
Great article!! I’m so glad that we have hope with the light! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Hi, Dawn! I’m glad we have the hope of Christ who lights up our path to Him!
Beautiful post! Love this reminder.
Thank You, Maryal! May this Easter your heart be filled with His joy!
Beautiful message! Thank you for taking the time to share your message. I am looking forward to going to church with my family and my 17 month old daughter. Easter is always a special family holiday for us and I enjoyed reading your message connected to this holiday and what it signals. Every day, every season, is a new opportunity to build those relationships!
Hi, Gwendolyn! Thank You so much! You are right that every day and season is a new opportunity! Have a wonderful Easter and celebrating with your precious daughter. What a fun age! There is nothing better than celebrating with those we hold close to our hearts.
The kingdom is in our midst! Hallelujah for our King who conquered the grave and set us free from sin!
Hi, Alice! It is good to know our sin can’t hold us in the grave and death was conquered on our behalf! We are free indeed! Have a Blessed Easter!
It truly is dark out there, we have a great job to do bringing Christ into the world to break through this darkness!
Hi, Julie! We do have a great job, but the Good News is we don’t have to do it alone! Jesus is with us and with Him we can do ALL things! Have a blessed and joy-filled Easter!
Wow! So beautiful! You are right, it may be dark but the dawn is coming.
Thank You, Lee! We are living in freedom from our past and in the joy of knowing what is to come! Happy Easter!
Thank you for sharing! I always remind myself that God is in charge and he has his best in mind for us.
Hi, Edith! Yes, God is in charge and loves us so much that His Son died to give us His best! What a gift we have been given!
Thanks for putting the meaning of Easter out there! It’s definitely way more than bunnies and jelly beans 🙂 I love being able to celebrate the resurrection with our family. Have a wonderful Easter!
Hi, Amy! You are welcome! Have a blessed Easter with your family and enjoy the celebration of our Risen Savior! Eat some jellybeans for me too!
Hallelujah, He is risen. Thank you, Sheila for these reminders of what Jesus has done and how God had a plan from the beginning of time, to give us hope. Yes, He is the light, even when we are walking through the darkness. He is our hope. I hope you have a beautiful Easter. -Amy
Hi, Amy!
I keep thinking about your post and the type of vessel that I am and strive to be! Yes, God did have a plan and He will be faithful to complete it when Jesus returns to take His bride home! I’m looking forward to the day where we do not have to worry about the darkness any more. Have a blessed Easter!
Great post, Sheila! I love the reminder that it’s always darkest before the dawn. But more than that, I love knowing just how much God loves us.
Hi, Heather!
I agree with you dear friend! I love that reminder too! I’m thankful for God’s love that is big enough to cover my multitude of sins and loved me enough to send Jesus to pay my price! Have a blessed Easter!
I was reminded of John 10:10 today – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Hi, Melissa!
This is one of my favorite scriptures because it keeps me on my toes and reminds me of the promise of a FULL life with Jesus! The enemy can try to steal many things from me, but he can’t ever steal my life in Christ! Have a beautiful Easter!
The Biblocal promose that joy comes
in the morning is one that I hold onto daily. Thank you for the reminder!
Hi, Alysha!
I hold that promise too! No matter what happens in this life we can trade our sorrows for the joy in the morning! Happy Easter!
Also, we are supposed to be the light in the midst of the darkness.
Yes, Andrea! God calls us to be the light! We have been given an amazing gift! Have a wonderful Easter!
Thank you Sheila that was beautiful. Praise God we don’t have to stay in the darkness. He is mighty to forgive.
Hi, Dorothy!
Thank You so much! You are right there is no reason for anyone to live in the darkness. His forgiveness is the gift we have for eternity. I miss you my friend and pray during our Easter celebration that you feel His arms around you in a special way. Love you!
It May Be Dark, but The Dawn is Coming!
Beautiful my friend, just beautiful!
Thank you for a glorious reminder of why we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
He is risen!
Hi, Toni!
Thank You and I am so grateful we have the opportunity to celebrate His death and the life. There is nothing like His endless love which pulled us out from the darkness and into His light! Now we have all of eternity to spend together doing our Father’s business 🙂 I love you sister and have a wonderful Easter!