Spring is coming, and the hope of new life is breaking through. The daffodils and the tulips are pushing their way through the ground. It won’t be long, and we will see their delightful little faces dancing in the warmth of the sun. The birds are making their nests and calling for their mates. I have one particularly loud dove constantly cooing outside my window. I’m looking forward to the smell of fresh rain and the farmers tilling the fields to plant their vegetables for the upcoming season. I heard the peepers for the first time, and that is a sure sign that winter has almost lost its grip. It doesn’t mean we won’t have some cold temperatures or possibly even another snowstorm, but the siege of cold is almost over.
Some winters feel longer than others, and this winter has been one of the longest. With everything that has happened in the past three months, the days have seemed to drag on forever. This last part of winter has been one of the hardest seasons of my life, filled with mixed emotions. Some days I have felt like a ball being bounced all over in a pinball game. The good news is eventually the ball drops and comes to a rest, even if not for long.
Spring is a new season. It doesn’t mean the cares of yesterday don’t exist, but as we spring forward from winter we have a chance to refocus. I’m reminded daily of God’s mercy and grace, but even more of His perfect sustaining love which has guided me through a difficult season. God’s lessons came in places I didn’t always want to go, but as a result God purified my heart, mind, and soul. He taught me new things about both of us in the process. No one likes to be held close to the flames, but it is necessary if we want to grow in our relationship and intimacy with God.
My Health Journey
A little over a year ago, I started a journey to become physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. I didn’t know at the time what this season would bring, but looking back I can see how God orchestrated every step. I chose to start a campaign called, #GivingWhileLiving. Often, people bequeath things to others or to a favorite charity after they die. I didn’t want to wait until I was gone to give back. I wanted to experience the joy of giving, supporting and encouraging others. I wanted to be an active participant and help influence others to do the same. God made me think outside the box, and I decided my goal was to do a 5K every month. Over the past twelve months, I have completed thirteen 5K’s for various charities. I chose each charity based on needs for family and friends. I walked for breast cancer, human trafficking, lymphoma, our military heroes, mental illness, and Toys for Tots to name a few. Every 5k made me stronger and gave me a great sense of accomplishment knowing I was helping others.
We hear all the time about the importance of being physically active. It is great for your heart, helps you lose weight, sharpens your mind and boosts your mental attitude by releasing endorphins. On Dec.21st I realized why God had placed this so heavily on my heart. I suffered a heart attack, but God knew long before what was going to happen. God had been preparing me for this season of my life. Over the past year, I have dropped over ninety pounds and was more active than I ever have been in my life. My doctor said my weight loss and physical activity played a huge role in saving my life. I had wanted to give to others but ended up giving myself an even greater gift, the ability to live to give another day!
For Christmas, my daughter gave me a plaque to hold all of my medals I received for doing my 5K’s. The plaque reads, “Every Journey Begins with a Single Step.” Every season starts with a new day to be better than the day before. Be an active contributor to your own life! Don’t let life pass you by being stuck in a season of discontentment, fear, or worry. All it takes is a single step to change the direction of your life. This is a visual reminder of what God has done for me.
I don’t know what you are facing in this season of your life, but I can assure you that you will never regret taking steps that have the power to impact lives in a positive way, including your own. Don’t be afraid to do something outside the box. I’m in the midst of completing cardiac rehab where three times a week I am in the gym working out with various machines and weights. There is no time like the present to start something new and begin a season of change for the better. Spring will fly by, and the next thing you know summer will be here. Don't live a life of regret, but live your life knowing God wants the very best for you in every season of your life. Share on XDon’t live a life full of regret, but live your life knowing God wants the very best for you in every season of your life.
I’ve had a relationship with God for a majority of my life and He never gave up on me, I gave up on me. I gave in to a world who reminded me of my past attempts and failures. I believed the enemy when he constantly whispered, “You are NEVER going to accomplish your goal.” The world who would rather see us all live in defeat rather than victory. The enemy may have tried to sabotage me into thinking I was defeated after my heart attack, but I’ve heard that lie one to many times. I refused to listen to his babble!
I want to encourage you too! No matter where you are in your journey, just keep walking. Don’t get distracted by what you haven’t done, but ask God to give you a vision of what you CAN accomplish with Him. Remember, there are no dead ends with God, just new beginnings.
What is God calling you to do next? The first step is the hardest, but every step afterward becomes easier!
Sheila, I have been trying to catch up on some of my blog reading and I am so glad, I took the time to read through this. I want you to know, how encouraged I am by your testimony and positive spirit. I have been really struggling with feeling like a failure in so many aspects of life and my health, while still stable at the moment, I’m sure is taking a toll by my bad eating choices and lack of consistent exercise. I also have been feeling like giving up on the blog and the idea of ever becoming an author, but reading this post has encouraged me, once again…to keep at it…to not give up…and to try to do better. Thank you sweet friend and sister. God bless you today! – Amy
Hi, Amy!
Don’t allow discouragement a place in your life because you are very gifted, creative and stylin’. You have so much to share from your heart about God that blesses me every time I read it. The enemy hates it when God gets any glory so I’m sure he is throwing those darts! I’m praying for you and I know His plan is good for you! Remember, one step at a time! Thank You for always encouraging my heart sweet friend and sister! Keep your fire stoked!
“I can assure you that you will never regret taking steps that have the power to impact lives in a positive way, including your own. Don’t be afraid to do something outside the box.” I love that!
Hi Susan!
The enemy would love to keep us captive in our own box, but God never keeps us in a box. His desire for each of us is to live an impactful life for ourselves and towards others.
“Don’t live a life full of regret, but live your life knowing God wants the very best for you in every season of your life.” – I love this truth! God wants to see me succeed and He is everything I need to do it!
Hi, Melissa!
You are right! God wants to see you succeed in all you do despite what the world tries to tell us about God.
Well…the Bible DOES say that thru Christ, we can do all things!
Right on Andrea! God never sets us up for failure!
Thank you sharing this! I think God just wants us to take the first step even when we can’t see it all illuminated. We grow closer and deeper in faith when we take that step!
Hi, Julie!
The best news is God always shines the light on His path if we just take the first step! In God, there is NO darkness. 🙂
Shaking my head in agreement my sweet sister and dear friend. Whispering Amen to my empty office. Thank you for sharing your heart and the difficulty of your winter season. Thank you for opening our eyes to the glorious joy that we hold in Christ and the beautiful spring He sends. I love you.
Thank You for always encouraging my heart and being a beautiful example of God’s love to the multitudes. Seasons are temporary, but God is not and for that I am so very grateful! I love you too!
I LOVE this! Thank you for always being such a positive light in so much darkness. You make me smile and I’m so glad you are doing well❤️
From the moment I met you I have smiled because of your contagious love for God and others! You are a gift from the Father!