Fall is upon us, with the trees changing into their magnificent robes, before disrobing to stand alone against the harsh winds of winter. The air has a bite to it, almost taking your breath away and is a reminder of what is to come. The beautiful, brilliant blue skies battle against the ebb and flow of gray skies trying to take over their rule in the months to come.
I love the smell of fall and the rustling of leaves as I walk through them. I watch as parents are raking their leaves into piles with their children joyfully running and jumping in those piles, filling the air with laughter. Fall also brings the Friday night lights of football, cheering for the home team, and the need for hot chocolate and coffee.
Along with Fall come the delicious smells of baked apple pies and pumpkin cookies. The apple orchards and pumpkin farms are busy. Hayrides and corn mazes become the prime attractions of the season. Everyone is enjoying the opportunity to be outside and to bask in the warmth of the sunshine, preparing to settle into the cold, dark days and nights ahead. Seasons change, but every season has a beauty all its own. Even winter with its blanket of white can turn a dreary countryside into a beautiful landscape.
In our seasons of life, there are things we love, enjoy and celebrate as well. In other seasons there are things we wish we would never have to deal with again. Although our seasons change, I am very grateful my God stays the same and is not swayed by seasons of confusion, doubt, fear, sorrow, or anger – just to name a few.
The most difficult seasons have become the most beautiful ones because I am reminded God’s promises are true in and out of season. I’ve learned not to regret a season, but to embrace the valuable lessons from it and see the beauty of where I’ve been and where God has taken me.
In Psalm 136 there are these repetitive words, “His steadfast love endures forever.” According to the dictionary, endure has two primary definitions. The first definition is to suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently, and the other definition is to remain in existence, last. When I read the definitions of endure, this gave me a whole new perspective on how loving the Lord truly is, that He suffers patiently waiting for each of us. Why? God’s will is not to see anyone perish. God knows and sees everything, yet His love endures forever.
God always was, always is and forever will be. Share on XGod always was, always is and forever will be. What a comfort to know as fast as things change on a daily basis, we can trust and believe God never changes.
If you are going through a difficult season, I want to encourage you, although it may seem cold and brisk with gray skies looming overhead and darker days to follow, the SON always shines! Remember gray skies are temporary, God’s love isn’t. His love endures forever, and He will get you through every season of your life. Seasons aren’t meant to be a punishment, but they become a way to teach, rejuvenate, restore and remind you that He loves you ALWAYS no matter what season you are in.
Psalm 136:1-9
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
to him who alone does great wonders,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
to him who by understanding made the heavens,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
to him who spread out the earth above the waters,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
to him who made the great lights,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
the sun to rule over the day,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
the moon and stars to rule over the night,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
I’ve been going through a somewhat difficult season recently and have thought I should read the psalms. Thanks for this reminder!
Hi, Crystal!
I will be praying for you and what I have learned from my own experience is God is with you in every season. When the seas get rough hang on to the Life Saviour! I love the Psalms. They do bring peace and comfort in difficult times.
You are so right! Our difficult seasons are our most beautiful ones!
Hi, Kristi!
I know this from personal experience. Sometimes, it is like seeing a rainbow after a bad storm. The promise from God everything will be okay.
Spot on my friend, spot on. We all need this reminder! His love endures forever!!!!! So thankful!
Hi, Toni!
I am thankful His Love Endures Forever Too! We need to connect my dear friend! Prayer and love coming your way! I’m coming to visit in February!
This is a beautiful post! It’s so true but hard to remember that trials are temporary!
Hi, Candice!
It is a great relief to know these trials are temporary! One day every tear will be wiped away. I’m looking forward to that day! Thank You for your encouragement!
Indeed God remains the same in all our seasons. I have been going through this tough time in my life and God gave me strength all through. He has finally restored my joy and pain.
Hi, Jackie!
Our God is good! Even when we are in a hard season He never leaves us. I’m glad your season has moved on to a new season filled with joy! The enemy steals, but God gives it back and more!
Beautiful! Suffering patiently is such a great way of describing His love for us because He does love us so very much. And His love is definitely steadfast, which is always reassuring when we go through the changing seasons. Inspiring post!
Hi, Jess!
I have to admit I was blown away when I read the definition of endure. I thought of how patient God has been with me because of His great love and the what I have cost Him. It was such a new perspective. Thank You for your kind words.
Thank you for the reminder that God is with us in each and every season we find ourselves in. What a blessing to know whatever we endure He will be there for us.
Hi, Julie!
You are welcome! It is a blessing to know that God will always be with us no matter what our season happens to be.
“Seasons aren’t meant to be a punishment, but they become a way to teach, rejuvenate, restore and remind you that He loves you ALWAYS no matter what season you are in.” I like that! Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi, Susan!
We all need encouragement and I pray you are blessed in your season.
I love the line that gray skies are temporary. Sometimes it feels like they aren’t, but eventually the sun shines through and a tough season passes.
Hi, Sam!
I am so thankful the light of Christ never keeps us in the dark. I’m hoping you have blue skies and lots of sun!
We are on the cusp of some great changes. Thank you for this encouragement. It is just what I needed.
Thank you my sweet sister and friend. This blog is God sent today.
Hi, Sue!
I am glad it was God sent! Praying you are having a great day and basking in His love. Love you sister!
I’m in a newlywed season, so home life is wonderful right now. But being a freelance writer and editor, work life can seem pretty difficult at times. I wonder why God called me to a job where it feels as if I can’t really contribute to my family financially. Thank you for this reminder that God uses all seasons to teach us! I know I need to look for those lessons every day.
Hi, Emily!
Congrats on being a newlywed! I did a post recently because I was struggling with what I bring to my family financially and God whispered in my heart, you can’t put a price tag on your spiritual gift. The fact is I was trying to let the world define my worth by a paycheck rather than allow God to define me for what He has called me to do in this season. I bet you are contributing more than you think. Blessings to you!
Spot on. We g o through seasons, and sometimes we don’t even realize it until we are moving into another. I feel as if I’m shifting now. And sometimes these changes can be frightening, so we must lean on God even more.
Hi, Missica!
I agree with you that sometimes we don’t know we are in a season until we move to another. I tend to think about it and say to myself I am glad that is over! God is holding us tight, protecting us from of the season’s harsh elements. Blessings to you!
You are so right that we go through seasons in our life. Sometimes we don’t even realize the shift in season until we look back. I’m feeling very fortunate with the season I am in now even if there will always be aspects of unknown. Our journey is to continue to grow in faith and love of our Heavenly Father regardless of our season! Thank you for the encouragement! God bless!
This is an interesting concept. As people, we do go through seasons of life, I like your comparisons. Fortunately, I am in a positive season right now.
Hi, Jaynie!
We should enjoy a positive season! It is a wonderful thing to be content. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Happy Trails!