Hello, Friends!
This week I am happy to announce my daughter, Alicia will be sharing “JesusGlitter” with you. Her love for God exudes from her soul, and I am sure you will be encouraged by her post. Alicia loves serving in Middle School Ministry helping preteens and teens navigate and deepen their relationship with Christ. She loves writing curriculum from scripture and making it teachable and relevant to middle school students! Now that is a TALENT!
I have always loved to read books. My mom often tells the story of what I did when I was around two years old, on Christmas morning. I was opening my gifts and had unwrapped a brand new baby doll. I took one look at that baby doll, flung her across the room and waddled over to continue reading the new books I had unwrapped earlier. I think it is safe to say that even at a young age, my love of books ran deep.
When it comes to books, there are two types of people. There are people who can read the same classic stories year after year and never get tired of them or those of us who read a book once. To save money, I wish I was in the first camp, as I often realize I’ve spent twenty plus dollars on a book and I finished the book in three days or less, never to be looked at again. As an adult, I can count on one hand the number of books I have read more than once. Once I know the big picture of a story, that book is placed on the shelf or shared with a friend.
Except for one book. My Bible! I’ve been reading this book since I was a small child and I’m still in awe of the new truths and insights I find every day. In the Bible, I find the promises I need to hear, the conviction to aim for a higher standard and the stories of people whose lives I can learn from both in accomplishments and mistakes. The mighty God, the creator of the universe, chooses to share His story though human beings like me. Humans packed with their own personalities, creativity and character flaws. God shares His story across multiple genres and writing styles to help connect His message to His people. It’s more than a list of rules; The Bible is our instruction manual for life. Through it, we learn of the character of God and how we are to live to become the best version of ourselves and an example to others.
God’s Word is so beautiful and unique! Here are just a few places to get started depending on what type of books you like to read:
If you love poetry or song lyrics, read the Psalms. Like any judge on a singing competition will tell you, a good performance of a song is when you can feel the emotion of the person singing it. When you read about David’s life, you will see he puts his heart on paper. David’s story reveals the struggles and victories he overcame, and it will inspire you to follow God with all your heart. Also, you might recognize some of the words as lyrics to popular worship songs at church!
If you are a fan of Twitter and need nuggets of truth in 240 characters or less, read Proverbs. You will learn valuable truths from the smartest guy to live on earth and will be given short, practical advice to apply to your life.
If you are inspired and learn from others’ stories, the Bible is packed with incredible biographies and autobiographies of men and women whose faith has equipped them to overcome inconceivable odds. Even through their mistakes and shortcomings, we can learn and grow in our faith. Some of my favorite and shorter biographies are the Book of Esther, the Book of Ruth and the Book of Nehemiah. (I think this one is technically an autobiography).
If you learn by observing a role model, then go straight to the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). There you will find the story of Jesus, the greatest role model and hero the world has ever known. God became man and by doing so, showed us how to live. His teachings and stories also called parables when put into practice will help us live out our faith.
In Matthew 5, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, gives us rules for a higher standard of living. His life, death, and resurrection is an example of perfect love, grace, and forgiveness. Jesus shows us how through our own lives, we can bring heaven to earth in this world. Jesus is the ultimate leader worth following.
If you like a good mystery, read the second half of the Book of Daniel or the Book of Revelation. Although the task of reading these books can be daunting, I appreciate their inclusion in the Bible. The imagery in these books is fantastic! These books remind me there is much more to learn. In a way, they keep me humble, as I realize I am never going to have this book figured out. Yet, even in the mystery of the unknown, God offers these nuggets of truth and grace and hope.
The Bible, beautifully unique and creative in how the story is told, through the lenses of multiple authors, maintains a constant theme of God’s love, grace and plan of redemption for his people. Through God’s Word, I get a glimpse of this God who loves me more than I can imagine, yet who has a holy mystery I will never quite understand this side of Heaven. Just when I think I have it all figured out a new layer is revealed and I’m drawn back into this mystery of grace and love and redemption that has changed my life forever.
In Hebrews 4:12 it says: “For the word of God is living and active….” I am always amazed these same words written thousands of years ago can so powerfully change our lives today. I’d love to hear how God’s word has changed your life. Please feel free to comment below!
A friend a long time ago said whatever genre you like the Bible has in it and it’s true.
Well it DOES stand for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”…. 🙂
Hi, Andrea! Without our Bible, we have not a clue what to do!
Love, love, love this Alicia! So well written! Thank you for taking us on a journey through the Bible with a unique perspective.
Sheila, I know you are one very proud Mama!
God bless you both for your faithfulness in leading other’s closer to Jesus.
With much love,
Alicia, you couldn’t have summed it up any better. The Bible is one book that I come back to over and over and over. I love how you talked about it in terms of poetry, mystery, role models and biographies. It is so full of life changing words. Thanks for sharing your love of this “Good Book!” – Amy
Alicia you can not go wrong with the Bible! Your mother is one of the most amazing people I know. Keep up the good work.
Great post, Alicia. I love books too. I have to admit, I’m guilty of reading the same book over and over. No book has the impact the Bible has. I can read the same passages and stories over and over and continually pull new meaning out of them. The Bible has changed my life in more ways than I can count. I would have to say it’s had the biggest impact on my marriage. Had we not begun following Jesus, I don’t know if we would have lasted. That’s how important God’s word has been in my life. Thanks for treating us today with your perspective. Your mother has trained you well. : )