It is amazing how one week can change everything. This past weekend, we celebrated Palm Sunday. We were reminded of the triumphal entry Jesus made into Jerusalem. I can only imagine what it must have been like when Jesus rode in on a donkey with people bowing and shouting “The Messiah has come!” The demonstration of their love was on full display as they laid their coats before Him and proclaimed Him as the Messiah. Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9,
Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you, He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey—riding on a donkey’s colt.
I wonder what He felt like as a human being, knowing what was going to take place in the days to come. The same crowd cheering Jesus this week would be the crowd jeering him the next week and calling out for His crucifixion. As humans, we are such fickle people. One minute we like someone or something, and the next minute we don’t. We are so easily influenced and drawn into a wave of emotion by whatever tickles our itching ears. It is so easy to become a crowd follower, especially if you have never learned to stand on your own. So much of human history turns on the popularity of people, places, and things.
As we gather on “Good Friday” to remember the ultimate price which was paid for us, I wonder, would I have been a Jesus follower or a crowd follower? Would I have been a woman in the crowd who was yelling for the death of an innocent man? Would I have been in the angry mob who mocked Him and spit on Him as he went by carrying his cross? If I saw his mother as she wept for her son, would I have had any compassion or would I have treated her badly too? Would I have been yelling for Him to be beaten beyond recognition and screaming for the crown of thorns to be thrust upon on His head?
But wait…..I was there! You were there! We were just as much a part of the angry, bloodthirsty crowd who was calling for his crucifixion as the people who were at the foot of the cross. Before you think I have gone off the deep end, let me explain. How can I say we were there over two thousand years ago? Because of sin. We may not have been there physically, but Jesus died for all of us in order to redeem us. He paid the price for our sins. You and I were always a part of His plan. It wasn’t just any plan, but a personal plan.
They say Good Friday used to be called God’s Friday, but something was lost in translation. Imagine that! I used to wonder why they called it ‘Good Friday”, but the fact is, it is a “Good Friday” for each of us as Jesus fulfilled what our Father God sent him to do. His death wasn’t our loss, but our gain.
I am thankful Jesus wasn't a crowd follower, but chose to be obedient to the Father's will and provide a way for each of us to experience salvation and eternal life Share on XI am thankful Jesus wasn’t a crowd follower but chose to be obedient to the Father’s will and provide a way for each of us to experience salvation and eternal life.
I am thankful for God’s vast, wide, and deep love for me as a sinner, and that He would love me enough to send His one and only Son to take my place on the cross.
I am thankful the devil thought he was smart enough to outwit my majestic and wonderful God, against whom he will never win any battle.
I am thankful the deception of the enemy did not prevail, and for Jesus’ stamina, wisdom and strength as he battled Satan in his earthly body.
I am thankful Jesus said, “It is finished!” and let us all know his work in life and death was complete and fulfilled. We were not left wondering.
I am thankful the story doesn’t end on Good Friday with the heaviness of what we cost Jesus, but we know the best is yet to come!
God is not finished with us. He continues to share His love, mercy, and grace with all who seek Him. This Easter Sunday we will be reminded of the beautiful story of Christ’s resurrection and the living God who loves you and me not for what we can do, but for who He has created us to be. Free! Death didn’t keep Jesus in the grave, and it won’t keep us in the grave either.
1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (NLT)
“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Yes, I am Thankful it was not only a Good Friday but a God Friday!
Yes and amen! By His stripes we are healed! – Amy
Hi, Amy!
Indeed we are healed! Have a joyous and blessed Ressurection Day!
Beautiful friend, simply beautiful! So thankful for the cross, yet saddened too.
Happy Resurrection weekend!!
Thank You Toni! We are blessed!
Shelia, thank you for this beautiful reminder! I never knew Good Friday used to be called God Friday. I too wonder what it would have been like to have been there personally but I don’t know if I could’ve watch my Savior die…. I am so thankful for His love and sacrifice. I pray you have a blessed Easter!
Hi Kim~ It was new information to me as well! This is the one thing I love about blogging is doing the research and finding out these little nuggets of truth I didn’t know. Thank You for stopping by and I pray you have a glorious Easter!
This is so beautifully written and I have to admit that as I was reading, I too was asking myself what I would have been like if I were there physically. It is always humbling and devastating to think about how Christ died for MY sins and that I caused his crucifiction…
Robin~ Thank You for your loving words. I’m afraid to really know what I would have been like at the time, but so thankful Jesus was obedient to Our Father. I appreciate the share. God Bless You and yours this Resurrection Sunday!
Your inspiring article reminded me of the scripture in Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!! How wonderful this thought towards you and me, so we can be completely free.. Father your love for us is more than all will ever comprehend, but how grateful and thankful this ole’ girl is!! Praises to you a beautiful Savior and friend..
Betty~ You are right about God’s love being more than any of us can comprehend. I am so thankful for the finished work of the cross too! Thank You for your encouraging words!
Amen! Well written. So thankful for His personal plan for such fickle people.
Thank You for sharing your thoughts. I know when I’m fickle I usually end up in a pickle! So thankful for God’s steadfastness 🙂