Have you ever heard a message and known immediately God was speaking directly to you? I listened to a message on Sunday that really resonated within my heart. I was listening to Pastor Steven Furtick from Elevation Church, and he said something so profound I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Pastor Furtick asked the question, “How many times do you talk yourself out of doing something, rather than talking yourself into doing something?” Whoa! Guilty as charged! It is so easy for me to talk myself out of doing something, or to procrastinate until the very last second. I don’t do this all the time, but I can’t help but think of all the blessings I have missed out on as a result of talking myself out of doing something. Chances are my book would be done if I hadn’t talked myself out of finishing it to take time to “build a bigger platform”. Chances are I would be close to meeting my weight goal if I hadn’t allowed my fear of failure to take over. There are a ton of things I could have completed by now if I had only talked myself into doing them rather than talking myself out of them – mostly because of fear.
I know I am not alone in this thinking. It is so easy to give up rather than to keep fighting for the destiny to which God has called us. My “aha” moment was recognizing that every second I spend talking myself out of doing something for God, I’m allowing the enemy to steal the destiny God has designed for me. You can’t be a blessing for God when you are permitting the enemy to reign over your mind.
As I searched my heart to see why it is so easy for me to talk myself out of things, the reality is I am like the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for forty years. It is the fear of the unknown. Yet, if God is with me all the time, what do I have to be afraid of?
I have been blogging at Jesus Glitter for over a year. I know God has been asking me to reach out further and expand this ministry, yet I keep talking myself out of it because there are financial ramifications if I do. Another reason is, what happens if it doesn’t work? See what I mean? It is so easy to talk yourself out of doing what God is asking you to do! I don’t want to be that person. I want to be an example of pure faith and break the barrier of fear. So, I am done living my life in a way that I question every move I make. I am trusting God that He will complete the work, but I have to be willing to start the work and see it through, knowing there will be bumps in the road, but God is with me!
Get ready for some exciting changes for Jesus Glitter! Just like Joshua, God is calling me to be strong and courageous! Jesus Glitter will always be about sharing stories for His glory, but it will also be about empowering your soul physically, emotionally and spiritually and encouraging you to live out your life as the sparkle God is calling you to BE! My mindset isn’t going to be about how many subscribers I can attain or how many followers I can get from FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, but how many lives can be impacted by the heart God has placed within me.
I don’t want to write on the “hot topics” or follow algorithms to boost my presence. I want God's presence within me to boost HIS presence. Share on X The more God shines through me the more Jesus Glitter will be seen. I don’t know yet how all the pieces of this will work, but I do know this – I have the most important piece which is peace in my heart and no one can talk me out of it….not even me.
What about your life? Are there things God is calling you to do and you keep talking yourself out of it? I want to encourage you to free your soul and talk yourself into changing your thought process so God’s work can shine through your life. Life is too short to be wasted on the “What if’s”. Every second wasted wondering is another second away from allowing God to complete His work through you.
There are days I already feel like I am running on borrowed time. I have wasted enough! Instead of wandering away from my destiny, I want to run as hard and fast as I can toward it, because I know there are lives depending on the work God has called me to do. I bet you can say the same thing too!
Let me leave you with this challenge. Ask yourself, what you have been talking yourself out of rather than talking yourself into? How is it affecting your relationship with God, yourself or others? Is it keeping you from fulfilling your destiny? No one can answer these questions but you, however I’m sure you already know the answers. If you can’t be true to yourself, it makes it very difficult to be true to anybody else.
Be prepared because if it isn’t yourself trying to talk you out of something God is calling you to do, it will be somebody else. Stand strong, Be Courageous and Do Not Fear!
Joshua 1:9 (NLT)
9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Wow! I needed that! Thanks, Sheila
You are so welcome! I’m glad it encouraged you! Love and Miss you~
My name is Linda, and I’m a procrastinator. I have done this today already about 3-4 different things. Nothing major. But still those words in my head ” I’ll get to it later”. How many times have I said this to God? Only He knows that astronomical number. I know from experience that by starting with the small things like being nudged to smile at a stranger or tell the cashier at the super market to have a blessed day, the bigger things aren’t as scary or intimidating. I’m not a blogger or woman in the public view. Just an ordinary person. But I want to, with all my heart, do what my Savior asks of me. So I’m praying that by doing the little things if and when He asks my reply will be yes Lord, not I’llget to it later. For some time I’ve felt people could benefit from my story of leaving his will and being brought back to his flock. But don’t we all have a story? So you who have been blessed with the gift of writing and telling your story please don’t talk yourself out of it. We can all benefit from reading or hearing about your walk. You could save someone’s eternal life. Thanks for letting me ramble. Jesus Glitter is such a blessing g to me. Thank you for not putting it off till tomorrow.
Linda, I’m sorry for the delay in responding I was away for a few days. I love what you said and I have tears in my eyes because you are right we all have a story to tell because God created us to be individuals, but who have a purpose to fulfill. I want to encourage you to write your story and I would love to share it on my blog because people need to hear your story of love, hope, encouragement and the power of restoration. You are loved!!!
I agree with all of this! I’ve been frustrated and feeling down lately because blogging is taking away from the time I spend with my children and takes away from me being a good wife, child, and friend as well. So right now I’m saying that what i do is enough – I don’t have to do as much as the bloggers I see around me hustling to make as much money and build up as big of followings as possible!
Claire, I understand what you are saying. Time is precious and goes way to fast. You are ENOUGH! Investing in your children, spouse and friends will make you richer than anything and God will open and close doors in His perfect timing. I learned I can only be the best version of me not what everyone thinks I should be. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Great motivation! Thank you for this because I definitely need it!
Hi Jennifer~ Thanks for your encouragement! I know I needed it 🙂
Sheila I love this message, and I love Pastor Furtick. I did his study Greater.
Yes every second wasted is not allowing God to do His work. I’ve wasted so many seconds and not getting any younger. I’m trying so hard to go where He leads and pricks my heart to go.
Hi Debbie~ I relate to you! My heart is to finish strong in this race and have His voice drown out all the ground clutter. Thank You for you sharing!
Perfect timing!
Hi, my name is Tammy and I’m a procrastinator.
Over three years ago, I know, God called me to write my story ( His story) in book form but…
I don’t even have to start with a blank sheet or computer screen in front of me because bits and pieces are already on my blog.
Your post is just another nudge to getty up and go reminder!
I want to encourage you to do it! You are a very gifted and talented woman who has an amazing story to share 🙂 I’m going to keep poking you and see how you are doing! Blessings!!!
God always calls us to go outside of our comfort zone!
You are right about that! If ministry wasn’t easy for Jesus we can expect we will have our own trials as well 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I think a lot of bloggers (myself included) can get so caught up in page views and followers that we loose focus. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God….
Thanks Robbi!
I think it narrows our focus and limits the possibilities of what God can do through us!
Thanks for sharing and God Bless You!
Hi Sheila, glad to have read this today as sometimes I second guess myself for even starting to blog. I’m tempted to write on hot topics but have refrains to keep writing what my initial intentions were. Thank you for letting me reflect back on my on intentions today!
Hi Sue~
I’m glad you stopped by and shared your heart. We all need to reflect from time to time and remember why God called us to write in the first place.
Blessing to you!
Amen sister!! I, too, have felt the pressure of building followers. And, lately, I find myself less motivated to do so. Not because I do not want the followers, but because, like you, it takes so much time away from other things I should be doing. With a full time job and a husband I like spending time with, it doesn’t leave much time.
I will be taking a two day writing retreat next weekend. Just me and God for two whole days to start shaping up my book; Raising him solo, but never alone. I am pumped!!! You are so right my friend; God will make it all come together in His time!
Can’t wait to see what’s next for Jesus Glitter!!!
Love you!
I will be praying for your retreat! May the words flow like a river from your soul!