I’m sure most of us can say we have had a best friend at one time or another. The definition for a best friend from The Free Dictionary is this: The one friend who is closest to you. A friend is defined as a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. A best friend is the one you share your deepest, darkest secrets with, knowing you can trust them and they will accept you without judgement. They have laughed with you and cried with you and chances are you both enjoy the same sense of humor. A best friend always makes time for you, no matter the time of the day or night. A best friend encourages you in ways other people can’t. You want to celebrate every milestone in your life with your best friend, from new jobs to new homes to weddings to births and more. A best friend shares in your deepest sorrows, tries to cheer you up when your world is falling apart and gives you their shoulder to lean on in hard times. What makes this bond so strong? A genuine love for each other.
It is a wonderful gift to have a best friend, and through the Scriptures we have seen what best friends can do for each other, but let me ask you this, do you treat Jesus like you do your best friend? We sing songs about having a friend in Jesus, but is Jesus your best friend seven days a week or just on Sunday? Let me ask you these questions:
- Are you as good a listener to Jesus as you are your best friend?
- Do you trust Jesus like you do your best friend?
- Whose advice do you take more, Jesus or your best friend?
- Do you purposefully make time for Jesus like you do your best friend?
- If Jesus asked you to do something for Him, would you drop everything and do it?
- Would you invite Jesus to go the same places as you go with your best friend?
- Are you as loyal to Jesus as you are to your best friend?
- Would you allow others to talk harshly about your best friend? How about Jesus?
- Who do you put more faith in to follow through for you, Jesus or your best friend?
Ouch! Did any of these touch a nerve with you, too? If I am being truly honest with myself, I have to say sometimes I might choose my best friend over Jesus. It isn’t that I don’t have a good relationship with Jesus, but after asking myself these questions I see there are areas I need to grow because in reality, Jesus IS my best friend and this has to supersede ALL other friendships. My best friend is special, but I can’t put her above my relationship with Jesus. Here is one last question:
Would you take on the sins of your best friend and die a brutal death on a cross for your best friend?
This is the question which makes all the difference. I can’t take my best friend’s sins and she can’t take mine, but Jesus did. In fact, Jesus took more than that. He was separated from His Father in heaven and went to hell to grab the keys to my freedom, conquered death and rose again to set me free from the bondage of sin. I love my best friend, but she can never do what Jesus has done for me.
Romans 5:6-10 (NIV)
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
It isn’t that God doesn’t want you or me to have a best friend. We see examples all through the scriptures of men and women having best friends, but when those relationships take precedence over our relationship with Christ, we can find ourselves in a heap of trouble. Even Jesus had a best friend named John, but Jesus kept his priorities in check.
I was an enemy to Jesus when He made me His best friend. Jesus justified me with His blood and redeemed me with His love, grace and mercy. This is a gift only one very special friend can give. I am a friend to Jesus, but I want to be a better friend. My heart’s desire is to be able to answer those questions in a way that shows I always choose Jesus as my best friend. How about you?
Thank you my friend. I needed these words today. Hit me where I was today.
Love you! Cindy
My Sister, I only write out of my own conviction. It hit me where I was too. I love you too!
This is a great question to ask, and so convicting! I’ve been feeling convicted lately about other things that I prioritize above Christ also, such as getting my morning workout in. It’s so easy to take Him for granted!
Jen @ Being Confident of This
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart. I agree it is so easy to put the simplest things before Jesus that we don’t even realize. I have combined my walk and prayer time together. It has been so rewarding, refreshing and it just seems to make my do go smoother in so many ways. I used to get so frustrated jumping into the day and then ending up at the end of the day grumpy about my choices. When I choose Jesus first because He is my best friend…everything else falls into place!
I needed this post so much right now! I’ve been struggling with relying on Jesus more than my best friend. I want too, but the actual trusting-in-action is hard, if that makes sence. So thanks for this post! ‘Twas a great encouragement 🙂
Kara, I think we ALL struggle at times with this. When God raises the awareness in my heart I know it is time to look inward and see what is exactly going on and many times it is because I am lacking in my own personal time with God. I think because we live in an instant gratification world that I want instant answers too and my best friend is good about answering me when I want her too and Jesus says, Be Still 🙂 Thanks You for commenting and I will be praying for you and would appreciate your prayers too!
That’s a great question to ask, Sheila. I’m a bad one to just internalize a lot and instead I should take it to Jesus. He cares and he loves deeply. Whatever I’m carrying he wants to help me with I just need to trust him with it!
Rhiannon, I understand what you are saying! It is so easy to talk to someone face to face rather than the one we can’t see. We grow together in this my friend! Thank You for sharing your authentic heart!