Hi Everyone!
I have exciting news. I have been accepted into the Tyndale Blogger Network which gives me an opportunity to write reviews for upcoming book releases. This month I’ve had the privilege of reviewing “Bound to be Free” by D.A. Horton.
“Bound to be Free” by D.A. Horton offers valuable insights for anyone wanting to get out of the trap of perfectionism and become free by God’s grace. His own personal story will capture you instantly and draw you in to search the crevices of your own heart. If you have ever found yourself struggling with perfectionism, this is the book for you.
The book is divided into two sections. The first section deals with “The Perfectionism Trap”, and addresses four areas of life where individuals fall into the trap of perfectionism. The four areas are Trajectory, Relationships, Affirmation and Peers. Horton breaks down these walls with honest revelation and explanations which become applicable to those who struggle with perfectionism. On pg.42 he states, “Self-induced legalism masks itself as condemnation when conviction over sin becomes real. Believers must learn the difference between conviction and condemnation.” A powerful truth for every believer to grasp.
The second section is “The Trap of God’s Grace” which provides insight into four ways to escape the perfectionism trap. These areas are Trust in God, Reconciliation with God, Affection with God and Partnership with the Saints of God. These are the antidotes D.A. Horton shares on how to escape the perfectionism trap and climb into the trap of God’s grace. Through each section He uses ample scripture to teach about the value of God’s grace and remind us that what we see as failure, God sees as fruit.
I appreciate the raw emotion with which this book was written, and the author’s bravery in sharing difficult, personal circumstances. It gives great hope and insight to the believer who is stuck in the vicious cycle of perfectionism. On pg.172 D.A Horton says this, “Imagine how far we could push back the darkness if we walked every moment of our day in full confidence of the unfailing love of God through the trap of His grace.” A truth so simple, yet so profound.
I gave this book 5 stars on Amazon not only because it gives great examples of what perfectionism is, but also where it comes from and what it looks like. It offers practical advice and sound biblical solutions to combat a disease of the heart from which we can only be released through God’s truth and grace.
[FCC Compliance: Tyndale House Publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of this review]
Excellent review Sheila!
Thanks Toni! It was an easy review because it really was that good! 🙂