I love summertime. One of my favorite things about summer time are the fireflies. It always amazes me how on a hot, steamy, summer night as soon as the sun goes down, millions of these little lights would raise up in unison to bring breathtaking beauty to a field. When I was little, I thought this was how stars were born and flew to the sky. Yes, I had quite the imagination! I happened to be with some children recently, who were experiencing for the first time the joy of capturing fireflies. All the memories of being a little girl came flooding back. I remember running into the house with my brother and asking my mom for an old mayonnaise jar and we would run to the field, so we could capture them and place them in our room. One night my brother and I had the bright idea to open the jar once we hopped in our beds so the fireflies could be all over our room. The only problem was they wanted to land on us instead of the walls. My brother and I were up half the night trying to catch them all before morning.
Fireflies are amazing little creatures. Did you know they are not a fly or a bug, but are a beetle? Did you know they are the most efficient lights in the world? God and fireflies are the only things which produce 100 percent light. Here are some interesting facts about fireflies which will make you appreciate these small beetles even more. A firefly produces light called luciferin. There is a chemical reaction which takes place in their abdomens which causes them to light up. I’m not a scientist and I can’t explain how it is done, but google can. Fireflies use their light to either warn predators they are not tasty eating or to attract a mate. Now comes the kicker, when they are attracting a mate they fly in a “J” form! They truly are Jesus Glitter on a dark night! The next time you have an opportunity, stop and take notice of these twinkling little diamonds in the sky who were created to bring us joy among other things. What a wonderful and marvelous God to give us such beauty on a summer evening.
Did you know the two rare chemicals luciferin and luciferase which fireflies produce are used in research on cancer, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis and heart disease? God in His infinite wisdom has created every living thing to bring Him honor and glory! Who would think a small firefly would have such an importance purpose and impact in God’s kingdom?
Many people would shrug off a firefly as nothing more than a nuisance, but there is such much more to these little creatures than what meets the eye. Think about this, if a firefly can have such an incredible impact in God’s Kingdom, what about you? Our biggest blessings can come as a result of doing the smallest things God asks us to do….
Psalm 104: 24
O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
In wisdom you have made them all.
The earth is full of your creatures.Here is the ocean, vast and wide,
teeming with life of every kind,
both large and small.
Love it!
I love fireflies too Sheila! Thank you for sharing such insight as to why God created them. He created so much for our enjoyment and help.
God bless you Sheila!