Twenty days ago HUBS (my sweet husband) called to say he had been in a car accident. He sounded very calm on the phone and even told me it was no big deal. I asked him if he was okay and said he had some chest pain, but other than that, he was fine. I continued to talk with him and asked if anybody else was involved. He replied there was another driver and they were going to the hospital to get evaluated. I asked HUBS if the car was drivable and he told me very calmly that the car was totaled.
In my head I was thinking “the car is totaled and you are telling me it is no big deal”? I was beginning to think he whacked his head. I proceeded to ask him where he was and his reply was, “I’m in the back of an ambulance”. My heart went in my throat. All of a sudden the reality of what had happened was a big deal. The car was totaled and he was in the back of an ambulance. I asked him again if he was okay. This time his answer was, “My chest and knee hurt and I’m kind of banged up”. Now we were getting somewhere. I asked him where they were taking him and his reply was “I don’t know, I will ask”. I heard a man’s voice in the background stating where the ambulance was taking him. I told him I would meet him there. His response back to me was, “Honey, they are just going to check me out, I’m fine, don’t bother coming because I will be gone before you get here”. He then explained in detail how when they released him he was going to walk a mile to the nearest metro stop and continue on to work. Now I knew he was delusional! I told him I was on my way and hung up before he could respond.
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. James 4:14
I arrived at the hospital and found the emergency room. I asked the attendant where HUBS was and she directed me to his room. I pulled back the curtain and caught my first glimpse of him. He had a scratch on his forehead and there was bruising across his chest. He was sitting up in bed and said, “Honey, you didn’t have to come, but I have to admit I’m glad you are here”. We found out after a CAT scan that he had a fractured sternum, and the trauma doctor was concerned it may have bruised his heart. It was a big deal! However, they found no bruising and I am happy to say he is on the mend and everyday he gets stronger. He has a physical therapist (who I lovingly call the physical terrorist) who has given him exercises to do every day to help restore him back to health. Each day has a challenge, but I am thankful for God’s mercy shown to us.
Some accidents are minor and others are major, but they always teach you something. Accidents are unplanned circumstances in life that catch you off guard. A major accident is a curve ball which tests you physically, emotionally and spiritually. The realization of what could have been makes you reflect on life and re-set your priorities.
I wish it didn’t happen this way, but it does. It makes you search your own heart. It makes you think of all the things you take for granted on a daily basis. When I wake up each morning and HUBS kisses me goodbye, I never think about the possibility of not seeing him again, however the harsh truth is that’s always a possibility with anyone. This is why it’s so important to make sure you are living a life that is pleasing to the Father. Don’t waste precious time with temporary things. Think eternal daily because that is what truly counts.
Every day, we are given the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Even if you can’t go outside your home, prayer is a powerful gift. You don’t need money to make a difference, all you need is a heart for God. I was told once that anybody can write a check, but the person who gives of their time understands God’s love language. If the Holy Spirit prompts you to call someone, DO it! If you are compelled to encourage a stranger, DO it! It’s easy to become complacent and dangerous to stay there. Don’t focus on what you can’t do, but what God can do though you!
When we make Jesus matter, it makes every life matter including yours!
I’m so glad Dave is on the mend!
I love the way you wove the accident into this reminder that every day is an opportunity to show love and encouragement to others.
God bless you friend!