Another thunderstorm is rolling in, and as I watch lightning flicker across the sky followed by loud booms of thunder, I am reminded of the majesty of God. The wind begins to pick up and I can hear the sound of the falling raindrops hitting the skylights in the living room. The small pitter patter repeating the same song over and over again. As the storm gets closer the booms become louder and more frequent and intense as if God is shouting to the world, “I am coming!” As one clap of thunder shakes the whole house, my mind wanders as I think of what it will be like to be in the very presence of God.
My heart jumps.
I watch as the lightening streaks across the sky and at times is lighting up the whole sky. I see the trees and it is as though they are swaying back and forth in time to the roll of the thunder. The rain drops become louder and almost deafening at times, yet so comforting to the soul. I sit in silence trying to breathe quietly so I don’t interrupt God’s display of His glory. The flowers turn toward the rain and lift their colorful, round faces to catch a drink of water to nourish themselves. A little rabbit with wet fur scurries behind my hostas to take refuge from the storm. I watch sparrows flying into the bushes to stay dry from the torrential downpour which has interrupted their flying lessons to their young. I smile. The rain begins to lessen and once booming sounds of thunder are now passing rumbles. The dark clouds which came in with anger and fury have passed and I see glimpses of the sun. As the sun peeks through I see it’s reflection against the rain.
I smile.
I see it in all of its beautiful color and vibrant prisms. A beautiful rainbow. Reaching and stretching all across the sky. God’s promise to never flood the entire earth again. A covenant between God and mankind. A covenant which will never be broken. Who can calm the wind and the waves in one word? God! Who created every living creature for our blessing and enjoyment? God! Who created nature that groans in anticipation waiting for His return? God! Who cares for the sparrow and cares even more for us? God!
I smile again.
I hear the song, His song, the birds are singing in full vibrato with complete praise to our Almighty Father. All of them. The trees who had turned over their leaves to protect themselves in anticipation of the storm have once again opened and outstretched their arms giving God their praise. Even the little rabbit comes out of hiding to once again feast on the clover God has provided for him. How can we take so much for granted and not enjoy what is before our very eyes?
Stop. Look. Listen.
Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:20-22 (NLT)
Beautiful as always Sheila!