We live in a world that is always looking for the next big thing, whether it is power, clothes, gadgets, music, celebrities, cars, or technology. We have been lead to believe the world always has something better to offer. I’m not saying it is wrong to like or to look for new things. I believe what is wrong, is the obsession with trying to acquire every new thing. It is when we can no longer be satisfied with what we have, that we can fall into a trap of ungratefulness. I have fallen into that pit a time or two trying to make myself feel better, by trying to fill the emptiness in my soul with something which is temporary. Have you ever gone out and purchased a new outfit, not because you needed one, but because it was the latest trend and you thought it would make you feel better? It does make us feel good until the next trend comes along and we feel like we are missing out on something we just have to have. Why do we do this? Acceptance. We all want to feel accepted, liked and have others believe we are part of the cool kids. The only thing is we end up paying a price to fill our void.
Every time we try to find the next best thing we fail Jesus. Why? Because we are saying He is not enough. In our quest to search for the next best thing we miss out on what we already have in front of us. I must break God’s heart when I feel the need to do retail therapy instead of Jesus therapy. In fact, I am short changing myself and my relationship with Him. Anything the world has to offer comes with a price of some kind which we have to pay in order to receive it. Jesus doesn’t work that way. He paid our debt in full so we would never have to pay a thing and it cost Jesus his life. The fact is Jesus is ALWAYS going to be the best thing because He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His love is eternal, not temporal. His love is unconditional, not conditional. His faithfulness is everlasting, not short-lived. I don’t ever want to seem ungrateful for what Jesus has done for me. How about you?
Someday this world is going to pass away along with everything in it. The things which bring temporary happiness will be no more. It won’t matter how much you have, but WHO you have. When we recognize the snare the enemy is setting for us, we begin to understand how much we truly have to be thankful for. Look beyond today and keep your eyes towards heaven and wait for His return. Now, that is the BEST thing…..
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NLT)
Be the Sparkle….
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